Sentences with phrase «sigma level»

TOA is not at a fixed height in geometric height (z) or geopotential height (Z), or geopotential (Φ); it is approximately at a fixed pressure (p) at p = 0; it is also approximately at a fixed sigma level at σ = 0.
Now, a robust 95 % CI is available for almost 60 years, and while that 5 % doesn't sound like much, it's a full additional sigma level in and of itself.
When the drivers might do 1.5 or up to 4.5 it seems hard to say we know to 5 sigma levels what they do unless we retain a broad range.
Simulated * Conducted Tolerance Stack - up Analysis and launched Six Sigma experimentation for 80 single strip wheels and analyzed current sigma level * Identified root causes of variation of key variables and resulted in annual cost reduction of $ 200,000 real world scenarios in bi-level programming model and concluded the sensitivity analysis of carbon emissions cost impact on company profit * Organized a survey among heads...
Specifically, Hansen's group predicted the effect would rise above the two - sigma level in the 1990s.
The company's volume and the magnitude to which it delivers each night is impressive, especially because the company has a sigma level of quality in operations.
But those hints fell short of the 3 - sigma level.
Abazajian says this rules out the dark matter interpretation at a roughly five sigma level, which physicists take as the benchmark for statistical significance.
Slight excesses at the 2.5 sigma level are observed at 24 mu for both stars, which, if interpreted to be due to dust, would correspond to fd (1 - 3) e-5.
C) We can clearly detect the trend of GMT from 1997 to 2005 to 95 % confidence; using graphical methods, we can demonstrate bounds that expand slightly the range of the GMT curve while increasing the confidence to above 99.95 % (or any sigma level you wish).
- Only regression parameters that are statistically significant within a 1 - sigma level are considered.
Gilles, above: > when the signal clearly emerges (at a several, say 5 sigma level) > from a unknown noise,... you don't have really to justify that you > understand very well the noise....
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