Sentences with phrase «sign for milk»

He knows a few signs that we taught him when he was a baby... the main one he uses is pointing at his mouth when he wants food, and signing for his milk after his bath.
There will be many times that those little hands will instinctively begin to lift up your shirt, or give you a frantic sign for milk and nothing will divert them from their mission.
She uses her sign for milk emphatically — sometimes using both hands instead of just one.
Now, her signing for milk or coming up with those big blue eyes asking for num - num... that's just what perfect moments are made of.
We love teaching our babies the sign for milk — open and close your fist, like you're milking a cow.
The mother can still remember the tiny hands splaying open and closed as their newborn passed out, milk drunk, that became the baby copying the sign for milk and beginning to say their special word for mama milk, that became the early walker who would climb into mama's lap after taking a tumble, that became the child who would grab a book and Lego in each hand before asking, «mommy, can I please have milk now?»
She'll eat most foods I offer her, she loves eggs, but if she sees the buttermilk in the fridge before she's done eating, she'll push her food away and ask for «miwk» and make the sign for milk, too.
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