Sentences with phrase «sign of failure»

Recently, a more sophisticated explanation has emerged, one that casts those deficiencies not as signs of failure but as unavoidable steps in the course of reform.
It shows signs of failure because it is missing another key molecule in mitochondrial quality control.
Research indicates that the first sign of a failure in marriage is a lack of respect between the two parties.
That frequently throughout this incredibly long film I felt compelled to wonder when it would get going is a sure sign of its failure to balance character development with storytelling.
And our purpose is address whether there are early warning signs of failure on which firms can act and prevent disaster?
These pipes typically exhibit signs of failure at or around the 40 - year mark, and failure can be accelerated by the chemical composition of the water supply.
I'm hoping this isn't the first sign of failure coming again and that it's something I can help change.
Double Fine is exhibiting several signs of a failure spiral right now, most importantly, they're losing consumer confidence which is burning through built up goodwill.
Every error is perceived as a colossal sign of failure.
Where were the parents when the first signs of failure were happening?
Mistakes are not signs of failure and goals are not abandoned when success is not immediate.
I for one would suffer some crisis of worth without my profession and this is a sure sign of my failure of detachment and trust.
Above all, our lesson plan would indicate that there has been a substantial effort in this direction during the past century, but also that it is now showing signs of failure in all of the institutions noted above.
These are worrying signs of a failure to appreciate not only the rights of believers to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, but also the legitimate role of religion in the public square.
It would be a complete sign of failure for Arsenal.
In such cases, concerned family and friends may see, for example, an infant displaying signs of failure to thrive or a preschooler seeking the safety of boundaries and offer valid warnings to the parent.
On November 19, 2012 I noted that SIG was showing the same signs of failure as previous turnaround efforts and that the Duncan team was spinning the results and insisting the effort just needed more time... just as had been the case with previous failed turnaround efforts.
Several forums also recommend making sure you have at least 1/4 tank of fuel as E60 pumps show early signs of failure when fuel is low but not empty.
Repairs performed using excessive amounts of body filler tend show signs of failure within a few years.
Other tell - tale signs of a failure to research include asking a question you would already know the answer to if you'd looked into the organisation and team, not demonstrating how your skills could add value to the organisation, and not understanding the vacancy's role in helping the organisation achieve its objectives.
The true sign of failure will be if they decide to start QE4 (yes... for the fourth time) or negative interest rates.
My sarcasm is driven by cynicism because the AG's actions are a sure sign of the failure of proponents of anthropogenic global warming (AGW).
Signs of failure include a rough idle and the car running rich.
On the other hand if he does a Wenger and only brings in a project and starts the season with Giroud, we will have trouble at Emirates at the first sign of failure.
But if it's simply that your book reading in no way keeps pace with your book buying, I have good news for you (and for me; I definitely fall into this category): Your overstuffed library isn't a sign of failure or ignorance, it's a badge of honor.
Holacracy founder Robertson said he was disappointed with the way some media outlets characterized 14 % of the company leaving as a sign of failure.
But for senior managers in particular, it's a sign of failure if your team can't survive while you're away.
While we didn't ignore the signs of failure, we also didn't dwell on them.
He scores «getting to Plan B» not a sign of failure but an essential milestone on the path to success.
Layoffs are often a sign of failure by top executives to properly manage a business and forecast needs — and failure of board members to ensure that the right management is in place.
And I do appreciate your inability to address the subject at hand, instead choosing to go for a shallow, puerile ad hominem — always the sign of failure in a debate.
And there is absolutely no shame in getting help, it's not a sign of failure or weakness.
None of these lonelinesses are signs of failure as long as you are still willing to extend yourself in love toward God and others.
Changing the subject is a sign of failure, Lycidas.
The authors challenge churches to recover the idea of the family as a locus of religious observance, to develop a «bilingual theology» that addresses the needs of intact families and also the realities of other family forms, to critically confront divorce as a sign of failure and yet support those who are divorced and directly to take up the issue of father absence.
Sign of a failure and a manager who clearly could care less about the fans.
Swansea The lack of new faces at the Liberty Stadium might well be interpreted as a sign of failure, and indeed the Swans would have benefited from some reinforcements as they attempt to cement their position amongst the play - off pack.
That said... I don't think c - sections are the end of the world or a sign of failure or «wimping out».
Needing them is not a sign of failure; it is a sign of strength.
We tend to blame ourselves for not being able to handle things instead of realizing that it is a medical condition and not a sign of failure.
GET CONTINUED SUPPORT FROM SOMEONE TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF WHY YOUR BABY IS NOT GAINING WEIGHT AS EXPECTED if you have a baby who is continuing to drop percentiles on the chart, losing weight or showing signs of failure to thrive.
More so, an unstable career is a sign of failure.
The last hour has seen the political and constitutional reform committee issue a report complaining that the government's ignoring its recommendations about going to war; Labour have put out a line on the strikes, saying they're «usually a sign of failure»; and the Institute for Government is telling us that Whitehall is leading the way in headcount reductions, with an overall reduction of 8.4 % since the comprehensive spending review in October last year.
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