Sentences with phrase «sign of flea infestation»

Other signs of flea infestation may include scratching the ears or shaking the head.
Any itchy cat, especially one with signs of a flea infestation, should be on year - round flea control.
Vets can also look for indirect signs of a flea infestation, such as «flea dirt» and hot spots.
The flea bite can be a source of great annoyance to our pets; excessive scratching, skin rash, scabs and discomfort are all common signs of a flea infestation.
Cats are very clean creatures; they groom themselves daily and often don't show as many outward signs of a flea infestation as dogs.
The obvious first and foremost: the biggest sign of a flea infestation is an upswing in the amount of scratching you or your pets are doing.
As a general rule, whenever a pet is exhibiting the tell - tale signs of a flea infestation, flea shampoos are the first course of action.
Other signs of a flea infestation are persistent scratching, crusty skin lesions, and thinning hair above the base of the tail.
Pale gums are another sign of flea infestation.
Depending on your cat's coat and how often you groom him (if at all), you may never notice any signs of flea infestation other than seeing non-stop scratching by your cat or, if there's a flea allergy, changes in the cat's skin and coat.
If your pet is frequently and obsessively scratching themselves with their paws or rubbing up against household objects, this could be a sign of a flea infestation.
Flea - dirt, (flea feces composed of digested blood) appears as tiny black or reddish brown specks found on your pet's body or around the house are another sign of flea infestation.
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