Sentences with phrase «sign of global warming»

The indications of climate change are all around us today but now researchers have revealed for the first time when and where the first clear signs of global warming appeared in the temperature record and where those signals are likely to be clearly seen in extreme rainfall events in the near future.
«Remarkably our research shows that you could already see clear signs of global warming in the tropics by the 1960s but in parts of Australia, South East Asia and Africa it was visible as early as the 1940s.»
Read more about ocean warming: Another Dire Global Warming Effect: 10 Times As Many Ocean Dead Zones Indian Ocean Shows Signs of Global Warming How Will Global Warming Change Our Oceans?
Climatologists looking for signs of global warming have been vexed by a contradiction between ground - based and airborne temperature measurements.
There is a slight irony in people rushing to claim that the glacier changes on Mars are a sure sign of global warming, while not being swayed by the much more persuasive analogous phenomena here on Earth...
Although the disappearance of the ice around Antarctica will have only a marginal effect on sea levels, it is important because it was predicted to be one of the first signs of global warming.
The indications of climate change are all around us today but now researchers have revealed for the first time when and where the first clear signs of global warming appeared in the temperature record and where those signals...
As contemporary signs of global warming, Schneider and his colleagues point to rapidly melting polar icecaps, ocean acidification, loss of coral reefs, longer - lasting droughts, more devastating wildfires, and rising sea level.
Extreme events are, indeed, teachable moments: «wake - up calls» that an environmental crisis of global proportions is imminent — much more so than the subtle and sometimes ambiguous early warning signs of global warming might lead us to believe.
A new island has appeared off its coast, suddenly separated from the mainland by the melting of Greenland's enormous ice sheet, a development that is being seen as the most alarming sign of global warming.
The dramatic decline in Arctic sea ice and snow is one of the most profound signs of global warming and has coincided with «a period of ostensibly more frequent events of extreme weather across the mid-latitudes, including extreme heat and rainfall events and recent severe winters,» according to the conference organizers, who are posting updates under the #arctic17 hashtag on Twitter.
«We, at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, think it's important to nip in the bud the assertion that Harvey and Irma are ominous signs of global warming; and since we're not involved in hurricane relief, we will not be wasting time that should be spent on more important matters.»
As gas prices rise and signs of global warming multiply, building miles away from urban centers no longer makes sense, contends Brown.
See also::: Edinburgh Researcher Helping Ocean Desalinate Itself,:: Ocean's Twilight Zone Has Role in Climate Change,:: Indian Ocean Shows Signs of Global Warming
Can it be possible that this time, compared to 1920 - 50, a multi million dollar buisiness is backing up scientists LOOKING for signs of global warming?
Over the first decade of this century, record high daily temperatures in the U.S. were registered twice as often as record lows, a clear sign of global warming.
A sign of global warming?
It's things like that that really put a spanner in the works and that's the sign of global warming.
Is the Russian heat wave a sign of global warming?
Boundary layer physics, turbulence, tides, and glacier dynamics may all relate and may all be more fruitful ways in trying to understand what is happening than just to wave the hand and tick this off as another sign of global warming.
The signs of global warming are already evident.
Was the heat wave and drought in the Eastern United States in 1999 a sign of global warming?
Of course, whenever there's a blizzard or a blast of arctic air — as with the «bomb cyclone» in the northeast — environmentalists start mewling about how that, too, is a sign of global warming.
The ironic thing is, of course, that when the media speak of unusually hot weather as a sign of global warming, they never seem to look for places where it is unusually cold to show nature's balance.
Instead, in that panel, we have a mixed bag of up and down trends of very low magnitude — no strong signal of any kind, no sign of global warming.
Against that we all know that as soon as an exceptional event occurs there are those who can not resist announcing that it is a sign of global warming.
Some ask and answer the wrong question, as for instance, the Houston Chronicle story «Are hurricanes hitting New York in October a sure sign of global warming
See also::: Flood Maps: View Sea Level Rise,:: Indian Ocean Shows Signs of Global Warming,:: Bad News: Climate Change Faster Than Expected
That is hardly a sign of global warming... read Leroux «Dynamic Analysis of Weather and Climate» 2ed.
This question is focusing the attention of climatologists, as it could be a sign of global warming of the atmosphere, which would in turn lead to a warming of the oceans.
According to Francis Chan, a marine ecologist at OSU, this recurrent dead zone is just another sign of global warming's harmful impact on ocean ecosystems around the world — prompted by unprecedented changes in wind patterns and water currents.
See also::: Indian Ocean Shows Signs of Global Warming,:: Giant Ocean Waves Getting Speedier, Courtesy of Global Warming Image courtesy of National Geographic
A version of this article appeared in print on April 5, 2013, on page A4 of the New York edition with the headline: In Sign of Global Warming, 1,600 Years of Ice in Peru's Andes Melted in 25 Years.
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