Sentences with phrase «sign of healing»

However, this surgery can not be performed until the infection has resolved and the deeper tissue has begun to show signs of healing.
A good sign of healing after being in religion's chains, is the return of humor!
The bottom line of this is that over the course of several treatments, you can see decreases in inflammation, lower infection burdens, new skin formation, and other signs of healing.
«First signs of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer: September ozone hole has shrunk by 4 million square kilometers since 2000.»
He insists that the facial bones he examined before his 1984 identification of Philip II showed signs of healed wounds.
Marek Urban and colleagues at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg were inspired to create their self - healing plastic by signs of healing in nature such as newly formed tree bark.
They are discovering signs of healed wounds, of toothless old hominids who must have been cared for by others.
Twenty - seven percent of the skeletons show signs of healed traumas from earlier fights, including three skulls with healed fractures.
The research, published in the Royal Society journal Interface, took advantage of the fact that dinosaur bones occasionally preserve evidence of trauma, sickness and the subsequent signs of healing.
Some of the first signs of healing are a clear mind, bright mood, and vibrant, buoyant energy.
The strong rally in Ethereum Classic is the move of the day so far, but all of the majors show signs of healing, although most if the coins remain in short - term downtrends.
Now he uses it as a sign of healing.
In x-rays, the upper arm bone with an embedded arrowhead — the one that triggered the discovery of the battlefield — seemed to show signs of healing.
The cut showed no signs of healing, indicating that the injury had occurred within the last few hours of Ötzi's life — perhaps as he was fending off an attacker armed with an ax or a knife.
The signs of a healing crisis manifest in a variety of ways such as:
A rash can be a sign of a healing crisis.
There's no sign of any healing crisis at all.
Homeopathic veterinary specialists recommend that you not interfere with these new developments; they are considered to be a sign of healing.
You may have to repeat these things for a few days before you notice a change but if you do not see any signs of healing or if the sores are actually becoming worse then you will need to consult your veterinarian for more aggressive treatment options.
«If it doesn't show any signs of healing, for his sake, we'll have to do something,» Hoe said.
While Kim acknowledges the association between bruising and trauma, he also considers bruises a sign of healing or repair.
It seems like the effort has all been worth it, as Professor Susan Solomon of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a team of scientists from NCAS and the University of Leeds report the «first signs of healing» of the ozone layer, confirming predictions that the hole in the ozone layer could close by the middle of this century.
After July's big 27 percent drop in sales, the market has shown signs of healing; August existing - home sales were up almost 8 percent, and recent pending contracts suggest further gains in upcoming months.
After July's 27 percent drop in sales, the market has shown signs of healing; August existing - home sales were up almost 8 percent, and pending contracts suggest further gains.
Similarly, the drop in the savings rate to 2.3 % is less a sign of healing balance sheets, and more due to the timing impacts of income shifting due to the Fiscal Cliff.
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