Sentences with phrase «sign of peace»

The symbolic signing of the peace deal just one week ago was not in vain.
Are anger, resentment, contempt and sarcasm signs of peace?
How we carry that out to the world is about being a sign of peace and reconciliation, of hope, optimism, love, and the fruit of the Spirit in the bonds of peace.
The presence of a person with AIDS in a worshiping congregation poses no threat to the health of others, whether in exchanging the sign of peace, sharing the chalice, shaking hands or participating in a parish meal.
The Sign of Peace is shown to derive from the Lord's «Peace be with you» on Easter night (Stravinskas notes the irony of contemporary disagreements about giving it).
The author uses the image of a cross — the «vertical and horizontal dimensions of Communion» — to lead into the Lord's Prayer and to show this intimate prayer incarnated in the Sign of Peace with one's neighbour.
Later on, we get the chance to make the sign of peace with many people from our community.
In the Eucharist we seek forgiveness publicly and offer each other the sign of peace — gestures that have much to say in a world of self - assertiveness, hostility, and violence.
But most, like my archbishop, suggested that, in addition to eliminating the sign of peace and withholding the chalice, «communicants should be encouraged to receive the Host in their hands.»
Catholic bishops around the world have been told to make mass more «solemn» by stopping the congregation kissing during the traditional handshake and sign of peace.
Catholics across the world are being urged to show more restraint when taking part in the sign of peace... More
South Korean officials gave permission for the 30 - foot tree to be planted two miles from the border as a sign of peace in Advent.
In 2005, members of the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist adopted a formal proposition questioning whether the sign of peace might be better placed elsewhere in the Mass, for example at the end of the prayer of the faithful and before the offering of the gifts.
Catholics across the world are being urged to show more restraint when taking part in the sign of peace during Mass..
They imply or state that the offertory prayers must be said out loud, that the sign of peace is compulsory, and that Holy Communion must be received standing.
«Let us ofer a sign of peace and not be led by a feeling of hatred» he might say during Mass..
Pope Benedict floats the idea that the sign of peace could anticipate the presentation of the gifts «as a significant reminder of the Lord's insistence that we be reconciled with others before offering our gifts to God»; this has already been taken up at the international Mass at Lourdes.
Whether or not it is opportune or even necessary to move the sign of peace again and in a more radical manner remains to be seen.
In his 2007 Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis, Pope Benedict XVI, «[t] aking into account ancient and venerable customs and the wishes expressed by the Synod Fathers, -LSB-...] asked the competent curial offices to study the possibility of moving the sign of peace to another place, such as before the presentation of the gifts at the altar» (Sacramentum Caritatis 49, note 150).
It is a sick world where a dead person nailed to a cross is a sign of peace and love.
I do not reject that insight when I observe that, in saying Mass today, there are few parts of the rite that so consistently touch my heart as the phrase before the Sign of Peace, «Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church.»
It is also a way of offering the sign of peace that communicates the primacy of a parental love for each individual child within the relationships of family life.
Then the parents can offer the sign of peace to each of their children (Christ and Church), and only after that should the children offer the sign of peace to each other.
A Catholic church in Northern Ireland has suspended the «sign of peace» in a bid to prevent the spread... More
The Sign of Peace and the Order of Familial Love For families, the sign of peace and the invitation «Happy are those who are called to his supper», that is, «happy are those who are called to the wedding feast of the Lamb», is a very special moment.
There are two representations of the Christ - Church relationship in the family at the sign of peace.
The first is when the husband (Christ) and wife (Church) offer each other the sign of peace, and this could take place first.
Many people also extend an olive branch as a sign of peace.
Whilst in the country, Mr. Mahama will also preside over the signing of a Peace Pledge by the Presidential Candidates and hold separate meetings with the Candidates, the Electoral Commission, Police Chief and Sierra Leone's Donor Partners.
According to the statement, «The signing of the peace accord on that occasion will be an important public reaffirmation of the candidates» commitment to peaceful elections on December 7.»
This is further catalyzed on September 28, when Uranus makes its third of three oppositions with global Jupiter in Libra, the sign of peace and partnership.
But there have also been great victories for unity as the red - spotted planet lit up Libra, the sign of peace, harmony, and justice.
One may say this is just a coincidence, but I would like to believe its a sign of peace, strength, and possibly hope for our future.
The volcano is expected to erupt again, but rest assured that geological time is measured in the millions of years and there are no signs of peace being disturbed in the near future.
He is assigned as a bodyguard to Agnès Oblige during the signing of the peace treaty between the Crystal Orthodoxy and Eternia.
He's one of the bodyguards assigned to Agnès Oblige for the signing of the Peace Treaty.
Kaiser Oblivion: a mysterious man, who suddenly attacks and kidnaps Agnès Oblige during the signing of the Peace Treaty.
If it were found that the oil figures published by the Government of National Unity had been under - reported by, for example, 10 %, the southern government would be owed more than $ 600 million (on the basis that the Government of Southern Sudan has received more than $ 6 billion in oil revenues since the signing of the peace agreement).
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