Sentences with phrase «sign of resistance»

In fact, many children show signs of resistance, fear or anxiety when it comes to toilet training.
If you sell training or education, charging low prices will cause your clients to give up at the first sign of resistance, difficulty or struggle.
There are myriad signs of resistance to Western commerce.
Allow the child to stroke the kitten softly and stop when the kitten shows signs of resistance or discomfort.
O'Neill hasn't seen signs of resistance yet, but he has a plan if he does: The project could release mosquitoes with a new combination of Wolbachia strains to spread through a population and replace ones that are losing effectiveness.
Donning «pink pussy hats» and wielding signs of resistance, dozens of you, my friends from Nightingale and, more recently, from Princeton, descended upon Washington and cities around America, voicing your opposition to our new president.
Otherwise, the only sign of resistance is that the Assembly and Senate have so far held off on formally introducing Cuomo's budget amendments, while declining to clearly explain why.
They know that if 2009 H1N1 flu does become more lethal over the next few months, we will be nearly defenceless: there are already signs of resistance to Tamiflu, and any vaccines will be in very short supply.
«New three - in - one blood test opens door to precision medicine for prostate cancer: Test picks out men for treatment, detects early signs of resistance and monitors cancer's evolution over time.»
In contrast, research suggests that the state takeover and improvement efforts targeting Massachusetts» Lawrence Public Schools generated limited signs of resistance.
As just one sign of resistance there in the absence of concrete steps by China, see the report released this morning by Senator James Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, on China's unrelenting drive to build its prosperity on coal combustion (following the American pattern of course).
AT MFA: BONNIE SIEGLER, STAR WARS ENDINGBonnie Siegler, an influential graphic designer, has compiled a comprehensive history of the visual language of protest in her book, Signs of Resistance: A Visual History of Protest in America.
Anger, for her, expresses caring and is «a sign of some resistance in ourselves to the moral quality of the social relations in which we are immersed.
When a toddler is showing signs of resistance it's important to get their emotional well being under control before containing with the training process.
Furthermore, superbugs showed no signs of resistance against these peptide polymers.
«There's been confusion in the field because multiple novel K13 mutations have been identified in Africa, but clinically we see no signs of resistance,» he says.
Viral genes have been used to protect papaya plants against the ring spot virus, for example, with no sign of resistance evolving in over a decade of use in Hawaii.
As a result, we've not observed any sign of resistance developing in our mosquitos, despite rearing them in large numbers over more than 150 generations.
If there are signs of resistance to an antibiotic, it is best to have a culture and sensitivity test done to determine the exact type of bacteria and to determine the most suitable antibiotic to treat it as just rotating through different antibiotics may cause more harm than good.
If you have no background information about the dog at all, you must proceed with caution and stop if the dog shows any signs of resistance.
Several works on view reference the Phrygian cap which was donned as a sign of resistance in the French Revolution and later came to symbolize liberty during the American Revolution.
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