Sentences with phrase «sign of shock»

Blood and urine tests may be performed if the patient is showing signs of shock.
Signs of shock become evident: pale gums, rapid heartbeat and irregular, shallow breathing.
And a reduction in the body temperature is one of the classical signs of shock.
Also, if your hamster is showing signs of shock, this should be treated straight away.
Signs of shock include shallow breathing, abnormally low body temperature (hypothermia), pale or gray gums, and a weak but rapid pulse.
The typical signs of shock are increased heart rate (over 200 beats per minute), rapid shallow breathing, cold extremities, and pale mucous membranes (rather than pink membranes).
Later signs include the classic signs of shock: white gums and tongue, rapid heart rate, rapid and labored breathing, weakness, and collapse.
To treat signs of shock and collapse, the rabbit may be given intravenous fluids containing essential electrolytes, many of which leak out through oozing burns.
These small dogs often develop signs of shock (pale gums, rapid heart rate, and weakness) by the time they arrive at the emergency hospital, indicating that there is likely internal blood loss.
Reactions can range from mild signs, such as facial swelling and hives, to severe signs of shock.
The pulse and respiration rates are counted to detect early signs of shock and pain, and a stomach tube may be passed to relieve built up ingesta in the stomach.
The organ most frequently affected is the spleen, which can cause extreme blood loss, with the dog showing signs of shock such as sudden weakness, pale gums, and labored breathing.
Many of the cats with ATE show signs of shock.
Shock: Signs of shock include depression, decreased body temperature, and grayish gums.
In severe cases dogs will present collapsed, with signs of shock and perhaps breathing difficulties and hemorrhages on the skin.
For everywhere between the lines are signs of shock and personal crisis that began the moment he laid eyes on his African destination: the Ogowe River and, in the distance, Lambaréné.
I do MMA and coach some and that was a brutal amount of force near the head and neck area and he was showing signs of shock and momentary paralysis.
If your child shows any signs of shock — if he appears pale or his skin feels clammy, his pupils are dilated, he's staring blankly, or his heartbeat is rapid — call 911.
The signs of shock will be weakness, collapse, coma, unconsciousness, and pale color of his mouth, lips and eyelids.
Complications can crop up hours later when the cat may begin to show signs of shock or begin to have difficulty breathing because of pulmonary edema (accumulation of fluid in the lungs).
Signs of shock — pale gums, tachycardia (↑ HR), hyperventilation, dyspnea (difficulty breathing), increased capillary refill time, cold limbs, and weakness
Finally, there will be signs of shock — pale gums, irregular or shallow breathing, and rapid heartbeat — followed by collapse and death.
You dog may belch, attempt to throw up, become restless and, in some instances, show signs of shock or lose consciousness.
In severe cases of pancreatitis there may be signs of shock or total collapse.
Signs of shock that you can look for are:
Signs of shock.
Any patient that is in shock (signs of shock can include weakness, pale mucous membranes in their mouth, cold extremities, and an abnormal heart rate)
However, symptoms may be similar to signs of shock, such as lethargy, pale gums and heavy breathing.
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