Sentences with phrase «signal against the background»

Finding the Higgs boson is a question of seeing a signal against a background.
You need to do classic signal - to - noise ratio analysis, and MEASURE the CO2 signal against the background of the noise from natural variations.
This means one examines the temperature / time graph, and determines whether there is a statistically significant signal against the background of the noise.

Not exact matches

It is possible, against a background of increasing inflation and a strengthening labour market, that the survey is signalling some pick - up in underlying wage pressures, but at this stage the extent of any such pick - up is difficult to assess.
While the latter has a reputation for being hard to isolate, she explains that even degraded RNA generally contains enough intact sequence to analyze — provided investigators can detect the scarce tumor signals against the immense background of other RNA molecules in a sample.
Simon reckons the predictable echo signal of the disc - shaped leaf might help bats find Marcgravia flowers against the random and variable echo background of the rainforest.
The brain does not have direct access to; instead, when the sound is produced at a particular amplitude -LRB--RRB- and is heard against a background of other sounds -LRB--RRB-, the signal that the ear actually receives is the sound mixture.
A beautiful vision represents a fresh breezy Summer to arrive soon, captured against a city with bubbling lights in the faded background signals a happy place to be... Nice shots!
In order to arrive at a measured value of the aiTSC, all we need to do is to identify a CO2 signal, against the background of natural noise, in the temperature / time graph, which we can prove was caused by increased levels of CO2.
Against such a noisy background, it is hard to detect the signal from any changes caused by humanity's increased economic activity, and consequent release of atmosphere - warming greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.
«Allowing light to pass through the dewlap makes the colors of the dewlap much easier to detect and to distinguish against other objects in the background, which means the signal is easier to see by potential mates and rivals,» explained Leal.
Leal and his team postulated that this glowing effect makes the lizard's visual signal easier to notice by either making the dewlap appear brighter or making the colors more evident against the background.
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