Sentences with phrase «signaling mechanism for»

However, paradoxically, more recent research has demonstrated that increased free radical production post-exercise actually serves as an important signaling mechanism for favorable training adaptations.
It can just recycle all its «iPhone will destroy Kindle», «iPhone will destroy Baz Luhrmann», and «iPhone as a signalling mechanism for primates» articles from past years.

Not exact matches

European bond markets initially welcomed the deal made at the July summit, although the narrowing of spreads for peripheral bonds over German Bunds was relatively muted, perhaps signaling a measure of skepticism among investors about the ability of the eurozone to survive in the absence of a formal mechanism that ensures the sharing of liabilities among member states.
While you may scoff at trying to form a personal relationship with any large cosmic force greater than yourself, thinking them innate stardust whose signals can not even propagate fast enough for such communication, others marvel it's effectiveness and capable mechanisms which remain out of reach for human science at present.
For children, this signaling mechanism comes with age.
Paleontologists hypothesize that the accoutrements served as socio - sexual display mechanisms — a way for the dinosaurs to signal to one another for mating, territory or defense purposes.
These interactions suggest mechanisms for communication between distinct signal - transducing pathways.
These findings provide a previously unrecognized mechanism for receptor recruitment of β - arrestin and demonstrate that Dvl plays an important role in the endocytosis of frizzled, as well as in promoting signaling.
Further, they identify a specific biochemical signaling mechanism inside amygdala neurons that can mediate this transition to generalized fear, which could potentially serve as a target for designing new treatments against PTSD.
However, this latest research found that turbulence does not exist, suggesting new, unknown mechanisms are actually responsible for outages on GNSS signals.
Information theory analysis of cell signaling reveals mechanisms for reliable cellular responses despite signal variability.
This mechanism has long been enigmatic for scientists: A signaling molecule needs to act specifically.
The prevention of dilated cardiomyopathy in a mouse model by feeding a high - fat diet signals an advance in the understanding of the mechanisms involved in heart disease and has implications for the future development of treatments for this condition.
«The signals generated in the part of the motor cortex that controls and coordinates the lips, tongue, jaw and larynx as a person speaks are already intended to control an external device: the mouth,» says Keith Johnson, a UC Berkeley professor of linguistics and a co-author with Chang on last year's Nature paper, which describes, for the first time, the neuronal mechanisms controlling speech.
Future studies are needed to better define the molecular mechanism behind TREML4 - induced amplification of TLR7 signaling and to clarify beneficial reactions controlled by TREML4 — for example, the immune response to influenza virus, which the current study found was inhibited by TREML4 deficiency.
But they think that by looking at some of the chemical basis of, you know, weight loss and / or weight gain, then by manipulating it — and they also look for the genes involved in these chemical signals — then they can possibly translate that into drugs for humans or just understanding better the mechanism of weight loss and weight gain.
Albeanu and colleagues, including Arkarup Banerjee and Fred Marbach, graduate students in the Watson School for Biological Sciences at CSHL and co-first authors of the Neuron paper, conducted experiments in living animals that revealed a mechanism for adjusting olfactory signal gain.
In other organisms, there is instead a signaling mechanism: An embryonic cell receives chemical signals from neighboring cells that activate (or repress) the genes that allow for germ - line function.
«The origins of communication signals have long fascinated evolutionary biologists, and multiple potential mechanisms for these origins have been proposed,» says co-lead author Hannah ter Hofstede, an assistant professor at Dartmouth who investigates how sensory systems evolve to encode the environmental cues that are crucial for an animal's survival and reproduction.
These results imply a dual mechanism for pattern separation in which signals from the entorhinal cortex can be decorrelated both by changes in coincidence patterns in the dentate gyrus and by recruitment of nonoverlapping cell assemblies in CA3.
He's now working on a feedback mechanism to turn audio signals into light, allowing the slime mould to «hear» what its fellow musicians are playing, and will premiere a piece next year written for an ensemble of slime mould and traditional instruments.
Prior postmortem studies have led to the hypothesis that most cartridges across cortical layers 2 - 5 have a decreased level of GABA reuptake, presumably a compensatory mechanism for lower GABA signaling associated with the disorder.
For sensor cells to receive signals, he says, there must be a mechanism for transforming the large, weak airborne sound waves into smaller but more powerful fluid - borne sound waves that the sensor cells can detect — a process called impedance matchiFor sensor cells to receive signals, he says, there must be a mechanism for transforming the large, weak airborne sound waves into smaller but more powerful fluid - borne sound waves that the sensor cells can detect — a process called impedance matchifor transforming the large, weak airborne sound waves into smaller but more powerful fluid - borne sound waves that the sensor cells can detect — a process called impedance matching.
«Disruption or enhancement in such signaling is often directly related to disease mechanism and can be targeted for therapy,» Carr said.
Such a mechanism — called the Multisensory Correlation Detector — monitors the senses and looks for similarity (correlation) across visual and auditory signals: if the stimuli have a similar temporal structure, the brain concludes that they belong together, and integrates the stimuli.
John «Jack» Pettigrew, then a young medical student in Canberra, Australia, noted this fact in the mid 1960s, reasoning that the neural mechanism for stereopsis must entail another set of binocular neurons, ones that signal retinal disparity by processing noncorresponding retinal points.
Zou's work focused on discovering the genes that coded for the signals, and the mechanisms of reading them.
Wertz notes that this social learning mechanism works in concert with other mechanisms, including sensitive periods for learning about food and aversions to certain tastes such as bitterness, which can signal something is poisonous.
Researchers knew that cells in the inner ear below hair cells — known as supporting cells — can become the sensory cells themselves when stimulated by a protein that blocks Notch signaling, which is an important mechanism for cell communication.
«Based on this recent study we will now go on to propose physiological mechanisms for the origins of the new metabolic signals, so that eventually we can decipher how increasing CO2 in combination with changing climate affect tree growth — over decades»
«We have no information on whether PD - 1 signaling is a primary mechanism for silencing helper cells, so recovery of the CD4 + helper cell response in this instance provides some indirect evidence that PD - 1 signaling also impairs the helper cells,» Dr. Walker says.
A team led by Dr. Thorsten Eierhoff and Junior Professor Dr. Winfried Römer from the Institute of Biology II, members of the Cluster of Excellence BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies of the University of Freiburg, has identified a novel mechanism of bacterial invasion: Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses lipids in the cell membrane to make its way into host cells.
Biological activity of IL - 15 in vivo is likely regulated through interactions with IL - 15Rα, which may represent an important mechanism for controlling overall IL - 15 / IL - 15Rα signaling and / or biological activity.
Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discovered how two important proofreader proteins know where to look for errors during DNA replication and how they work together to signal the body's repair mechanism.
His lab continues to investigate the molecular causes behind ciliary disorders, with emphasis on the signaling roles of cilia, the mechanisms behind how genes interact to cause rare genetic disorders, and possible treatments for these conditions.
Published in the May 1 edition of Cancer Research, the study supports a critical role for IGF - 1R signaling in prostate - tumor development and identifies an important IGF - 1R - dependent growth control mechanism, according to the authors.
Intra - and intermolecular signal transduction mechanisms in membrane - embedded (photo --RRB- receptor / transducer complexes are studied using the photoreceptor / transducer complex NpSRII / NpHtrII, which is responsible for the photoactive behavior of the halophilic archaeon Natronomonas pharaonis.
Roy, K.; Murtie, J. C.; El - Khodor, B. F.; Edgar, N.; Sardi, S. P.; Hooks, B. M.; Benoit - Marand, M.; Chen, C.; Moore, H.; O'Donnell, P.; Brunner, D.; Corfas, G. Loss of erbB signaling in oligodendrocytes alters myelin and dopaminergic function, a potential mechanism for neuropsychiatric disorders.
We hope that our work will provide new insight into the signaling mechanisms responsible for establishing brain circuitry, and ultimately suggest therapeutic interventions for disorders in which these signaling mechanisms are perturbed.
Mechanism of irradiation - induced mammary cancer metastasis: A role for SAP - dependent Mkl1 signaling.
In addition to p53, there are other transcriptional activatory mechanisms that are not well understood for the most part and which operate in response to mitogenic stimulation (11, 12), transforming growth factor - β (13, 14, 15), and aberrant oncogenic signals (16, 17) or during a number of cell differentiation processes (18, 19).
A novel method for inducing nerve growth via modulation of host resting potential: Gap junction - mediated and serotonergic signaling mechanisms.
Given the predominant role for DAG on regulating Ras / Erk and PKC - θ signaling and Cbl - b for regulating PI (3) K signaling, we hypothesized that T cells deficient in DGKζ or Cbl - b would alter TCR signal transduction through distinct mechanisms, such that DGKζ - deficient T cells would demonstrate strongly enhanced Ras / ERK activation, but only modestly enhanced NF - κB activation, and Cbl - b — deficient T cells would demonstrate modestly enhanced Ras / ERK activation and strongly enhanced NF - κB activation.
The results of the present study have shed unexpected light into the mechanisms of vascular Ang / Tie signalling that may help to answer a number of enigmatic questions in the Ang / Tie field and that may have implications for the therapeutic exploitation of Ang - Tie signalling, particularly in the context of tumour angiogenesis.
Structural mechanisms of DNA sensing and signaling Klaus - Peter HopfnerGenzentrum LMU München 20th March 201804:15 pm Host: Falko Apel, MPIIB, Berlin Location: Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Seminar room 1/2 - Campus Charité Mitte
While core pathways for BR metabolism and signaling have largely been defined, little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating BR homeostasis and how these in turn modulate plant development.
17 [beta]- estradiol induced Ca2 + influx via L - type calcium channels activates the Src / ERK / cyclic - AMP response element binding protein signal pathway and Bcl - 2 expression in rat hippocampal neurons: a potential initiation mechanism for estrogen - induced neuroprotection.
Modulating ECM assembly to alter tumor vascular barrier function Weilan Ye, Genentech Lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic endothelial barrier as targets in regenerative medicine Giorgia Jurisic, Novartis Wnt / beta - catenin signaling as a therapeutic target for blood - brain barrier repair in neurological disorders Dritan Agalliu, Columbia University Somatic mutations in hematopoietic cells contribute to cardiovascular disease: New mechanisms, new targets Kenneth Walsh, Boston University
By determining the structure of a protein involved in modulating the electrical signals sent from one nerve cell to another, scientists have resolved, in exquisite detail, a mechanism responsible for...
7/17/2008 Discovery of a New Signaling Mechanism May Lead to Novel Anti-Inflammatory Therapy A team of researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has uncovered a new signaling mechanism used to activate protein kinases that are critical for the body's inflammatory Signaling Mechanism May Lead to Novel Anti-Inflammatory Therapy A team of researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has uncovered a new signaling mechanism used to activate protein kinases that are critical for the body's inflammatory Mechanism May Lead to Novel Anti-Inflammatory Therapy A team of researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has uncovered a new signaling mechanism used to activate protein kinases that are critical for the body's inflammatory signaling mechanism used to activate protein kinases that are critical for the body's inflammatory mechanism used to activate protein kinases that are critical for the body's inflammatory response.
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