Sentences with phrase «signaling molecules which»

Sphingolipid metabolites, such as ceramide, sphingosine, and sphingosine -1-phospate are lipid signaling molecules which are involved in diverse cellular processes.
Neuropeptides comprise a large class of signaling molecules which are secreted from neurons and transmit messages within the brain and across the nervous system.
the signal molecule which attracts males and triggers mating behavior of the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster remained until recently unidentified.

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The Serhan lab, which focuses on identifying and elucidating the structures of bioactive molecules, has made critical discoveries over the last two decades that have illuminated the biochemical signaling pathways that resolve and control inflammation and pain associated with disease and injury recovery.
Rather than just being a passive bridge between you and your baby, the placenta also produces hormones and signaling molecules, such as human placental lactogen (HPL), relaxin, oxytocin, progesterone and estrogen, which are necessary for both of you during pregnancy.
When dosed with the drugs, these neurons, which produce the signaling molecule dopamine, let positively charged ions leave the cell, thereby damping the cells» hyperactive firing.
The speed with which the wave moves suggests that it travels through gap junctions and is made up either of calcium ions or some other small signaling molecule.
A number of individual genes have been linked to suicide, such as those involved in the brain's response to mood - lifting serotonin, and a signalling molecule called brain - derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which regulates the brain's response to stress.
«That upheld our hypothesis, which was that biochar could interfere with cell signaling, most likely by binding with the fatty - acid molecules that the speakers were using to broadcast their message.»
For the first time, the response of more than 10,000 genes was followed simultaneously, which identified brassinosteroids and auxins and their signalling molecules as key to the growth stimulation observed in biochar.
In two star - forming regions of the galaxy, ALMA picked up signals emanating from three complex organic molecules, including dimethyl ether and methyl formate, which had not previously been detected outside our own galaxy.
Her team discovered that stem cells take up calcium phosphate to produce ATP, a metabolic molecule, which then breaks down into adenosine and signals the stem cells to become osteoblasts.
«We found that AIM2 inhibits tumorigenesis in multiple animal models of colorectal cancer by restricting the pro-survival signaling molecule, Akt, which is commonly hyperactive in many human cancers.»
«Our modifications allow this material to entrap glucose oxidase molecules, which effectively amplifies the signal,» Prasad said.
The pluripotent stem cells are then grown while being flooded with a molecule called Pax7 — which signals the cells to start becoming muscle.
Once a meal has supplied the body's immediate energy needs, any unused fuel gets converted into long molecules called triglycerides, which are dispatched to fatty tissue where they wait for a signal that the body needs them.
It is comprised of lipid signaling molecules called endocannabinoids — which can be thought of as the body's own «natural cannabis» — that bind to cannabinoid receptors located on cells throughout the body.
During synthesis, GDF8 or myostatin, is made as a precursor which remains in a dormant state with half of the molecule holding the section of GDF8 responsible for signaling inactive, says Thompson.
The authors note that more work must be done, however, because only one of these species engaged in a full cycle of listening and speaking in which the artificial cells sensed the molecules coming from the bacteria, and the bacteria could perceive the chemical signal sent in return.
Cytokines can reach the brain several ways: directly through the blood - brain barrier or indirectly by binding to nerve fibers elsewhere, which send signals to the brain to produce the inflammation molecules.
For instance, a congenital disorder called Beckwith - Wiedemann syndrome involves the malfunctioning of a gene encoding a signalling molecule called IGF2, which encourages fetal growth (see «Epigenetics: Discovery «-RRB-.
In 2004 Yinon Ben - Neriah and Eli Pikarsky of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and their colleagues reported that mice engineered to develop hepatitis (which can cause liver cancer) contracted precancerous lesions that did not progress to full malignancy when NF - kB was curtailed through a genetic alteration or when the proinflammatory TNF signaling molecule was shut off.
Its analgesic effect stems from the compound's ability to inhibit the production of cytokines and chemokines, which are small signaling molecules that attract inflammatory macrophages to the nerve cells.
These include a family of signaling molecules called protocaderins, which regulate neuronal development and short - range interactions between neurons, and a family of transcription factors called zinc fingers, which are mainly expressed in embryonic and nervous tissues and are thought to play roles in brain development.
Bacterial cells communicate with one another by using chemical signal molecules, which they synthesize and secrete into their surroundings.
«Our work describes the structure and function of an important enzyme called Rumi, which adds a glucose molecule to several signaling proteins to modify their activities,» said the study's lead author, Huilin Li, a biologist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University.
But mounting evidence implicates the immune system in the overproduction of cell - signalling molecules called cytokines, which stimulate skin cells called keratinocytes to express genes that maintain an inflammatory microenvironment.
At the implantation site, blood vessels proliferate in the uterine wall — the same hallmark of inflammation seen in the opossum — but the signaling molecule IL - 17, which recruits neutrophils, is missing, Chavan reported at the meeting.
Remarkably, giving animals injections of lithium salts — which mimics WNT signaling by inhibiting the molecule GSK3 — or giving animals a more specific GSK inhibitor, the researchers were able to restore normal synapse and spine numbers and also improve some of the most significant psychiatric - like behavioral abnormalities in these mice.
In lymph nodes, a particular type of stromal cells that forms a scaffold for lymphocytes to crawl around within the node normally secretes an enzyme called autotaxin, which is responsible for the production of the lipid signaling molecule, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA).
During the 2008 relapse, the researchers found that immune cells in tissues with active colitis produced large quantities of an inflammatory signaling molecule named interluekin - 17 (IL - 17), but very little IL - 22, the latter of which has been linked to wound healing and mucus production.
FosB is a transcription factor in the brain which, together with other molecules, is involved in so - called signal transduction (transmission of stimuli to the cells), that is to say conveys genetic information between the cells and also determines whether certain genes are activated or not.
Jirtle says the nutrients probably help by providing a ready supply of methyl molecules, which act as stop signals at key places in the genome.
Dopamine, a molecule crucial for signaling between neurons, can not cross this barrier, which is why its chemical precursor, L - dopa, is used instead to treat Parkinson's disease.
This network includes a set of serotonin - sensitive neurons known as URX neurons, which have access to the worm circulatory system and apparently release a still - to - be-identified signaling molecule.
The team at Barts Cancer Institute, part of Queen Mary University of London, have found that a molecule, called focal adhesion kinase (FAK), signals the body to repair itself after chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which kill cancer cells by damaging DNA.
Neurons rely on synaptic interactions and neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which are small molecules transmitted across synapses to deliver signals from one cell to another that play a major role in reward - motivated behaviour.
Having identified the mechanism by which the gene mutation leads to neuropathy, the researchers tried amplifying the «health» signal to see if they could override the blockade of the mutant GlyRS molecules.
They have detected, for example, revved up signaling molecules involved in inflammation, such as tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and other cytokines; skewed populations of natural killer cells and other immune cells; imbalances in the protein - destroying enzymes called proteases; and a shortening of the telomeres, the «end caps» on chromosomes, which indicates prematurely aged cells.
They are responsible for adding sugar molecules to numerous different types of proteins, whether it's a cell wall, or it's a small signaling peptide, which is what's responsible for the phenotypes in tomato.»
Eventually, she published strong, direct evidence for the so - called gradient model, which posits that it's not just the concentration of signaling molecules called morphogens, but also how precipitously they drop in concentration as they travel from their source, that regulates growth.
Shortly after sex, the cervix releases immune signalling molecules, which may be an early sign of increasing levels of regulatory T - cells.
Researchers from the IceCube project will place a string of Digital Optical Modules into this hole, which can detect the faint signal produced on the rare occasion when a neutrino collides directly with the nucleus of an atom in a molecule of ice.
Synaptic transmission Electricity signals the release of neurotransmitters, which exit the axon in packets of about 5,000 molecules (lower right).
If cells could talk, they'd have quite a story to tell: Their life history would include what molecules they'd seen passing by, which signals they'd sent to neighbors, and how they'd grown and changed.
They form a pore with a filter that selectively allows the passage of potassium ions, and which is controlled by the signaling molecule cAMP.
Pancreatic cancer cells, for instance, give off signaling molecules that attract regulatory T cells (Tregs), which lessen immune responses and create a «tolerance» to cancer's presence.
The novel thyroid and parathyroid contrast agents differ significantly from most current NIR contrast agents, which are composed of two separate molecules linked together: a molecule that emits a fluorescent signal, called the fluorophore, and an antibody or small molecule that targets the tissue of interest.
Active pertussis toxin works by entering white blood cells and chemically modifying a category of G proteins, which are essential signaling molecules.
But it does allow researchers to use a single - stranded «reporter» molecule with the CRISPR - Cas12a protein, which produces an unambiguous fluorescent signal when Cas12a has found its target.
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