Sentences with phrase «signaling networks by»

Based on these observations, we now suggest a strategy for disrupting cancer - specific interactomes and signalling networks by targeting first neighbour proteins of cancer - related proteins, especially the first neighbours of differentially expressed proteins.

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Small cellular towers and dishes will receive the signals sent by the aircraft and will convert those signals «into a Wi - Fi or LTE network that people can connect to with their cellphones and smartphones.»
That is, the systems uses cellular networks by default, and when there is no signal, it switches to satellite - based transmission.
In fact, the guidance issued by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) included this sentence, removing any doubt about whether the federal government was signaling that this activity can be conducted: «This FinCEN guidance clarifies how financial institutions can provide services to marijuana - related businesses consistent with their BSA obligations.»
We've built an extensive SEO Network that is designed to effortlessly address important ranking signals used by search engines to determine the value and relevancy of a website.
While some moves by the networking giant seem to give the signal that it is going out of the way to endear itself to people — like Zuckerberg holding an open Q / A session for the first time, explaining why they made the Facebook messenger a standalone app, making the privacy policy shorter and simpler to understand, others make it more than obvious that they care two hoots for the people who make up the site!
When those signals suggest that life is going to be hard, the network reacts by preparing for trouble: raising blood pressure, increasing the production of adrenaline, heightening vigilance.
The short - term dependence on the proximity of a caregiver for physiological regulation, and protection is just finally being recognized scientifically as being extremely important and beneficial (see Barak et al. 2011 Should Neonates Sleep Alone, downloadable from this website) Mosko et al., 1998; McKenna et al 2007), and helps to explain why infants should avoid sleeping alone outside the sensory range by which a caregiver and infant detect each others sensory signals, cues, or stimuli, all of which facilitate and represent interactions that augment neurological connections and provide the foundation for the development of cognition and intellectual development, and the proliferation of neural networks that support these systems.
By studying these examples, the neural network learned on its own what the light signal of an exoplanet looked like, and could then pick out the signatures of exoplanets in previously unseen signals.
During three flybys of Enceladus, between April 2010 and May 2012, the scientists collected extremely precise measurements of Cassini's trajectory by tracking the spacecraft's microwave carrier signal with NASA's Deep Space Network.
A team led by Carnegie's Wolf Frommer has revealed how membrane proteins were networked with each other and with the signaling proteins inside the cell.
In addition, using methods for the analysis of regulatory networks developed by the Califano lab in the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Department of Systems Biology, the researchers identified a number of transcription factors (gene regulators) that have the potential to mimic the environmental signals that trigger papillae to induce new hair growth.
Technologies such as Apple's iBeacon have attempted to fill in holes with linked sensors that track indoor location using Wi - Fi or Bluetooth, but a new ground - based system by Australian company Locata is the first to produce a signal that merges seamlessly with the GPS network.
The other effort, called Multi-beam MIMO, led by Sayeed, will develop a network using a state - of - the - art millimeter - wave prototype technology for simultaneously steering multiple signal beams.
This power failure, the team found, is caused by disruption to the cells» mitochondria — the tiny powerhouses that fuel all cell life — when they become destabilized during the «resuscitation» period after a heart attack and trigger chaotic cell - to - cell signaling that interferes with the heart's entire electrical network.
«Recent work by other groups has shown that bile acids act as signalling molecules in the host, almost like a hormonal network, with an ability to influence host metabolism.
His research group focuses on big data network biology, exploring biological systems by developing and deploying algorithms aimed to predict cell behavior, in particular looking at cellular signal processing and decision making.
Among the unexpected «hits» revealed by this assay were a cyclic AMP signaling network and a group of transcription factors important in melanocyte development, each suggesting potential new strategies for overcoming resistance.
His overarching aim is to advance network medicine by identifying and targeting signaling networks associated with complex diseases.
A strategic focus is to continue to develop computational tools (such as KinomeXplorer, NetworKIN, and NetPhorest) and to deploy these on genome - scale quantitative data obtained by, for example, mass spectrometry, genomic, and phenotypic screens to understand the principles of how spatio and temporal assembly of mammalian signaling networks transmit and process information at a systems level in order to alter cell behavior.
In addition, the analysis provided some hints about how chemotaxis evolved from a simple signaling network that responds slowly to environmental cues — primarily by turning on genes — to a multiprotein system that can quickly alter a cell's course.
The algorithms, which tell computers how to learn from data, are used in computer models called artificial neural networks — webs of interconnected virtual neurons that transmit signals to their neighbors by switching on and off, or «firing.»
But Fee and colleagues show that the May 2013 eruption sequence could be detected — and distinguished from a non-volcanic acoustic signalby remote seismic networks.
Current encryption protocols such as Signal used by WhatsApp make the most of the fact that a MITM attacker can only intercept messages sent via the compromised network.
By stimulating the nerves one after another, and listening in on the network, we can check whether the cells are connected to each other and determine the effects a signal has.»
High - frequency signals can also be reused across short distances by different cells in a network, meaning the available spectrum is used more efficiently.
This demonstrates how a fairly subtle modification of a regulatory network, effected by a selector gene, can set off a chain of events that has powerful ramifications for morphogen signaling and organ size.
The functional connections of the brain network were examined by measuring the correlations between the spontaneous brain signals of the different regions of the brain during rest (Aertsen et al., 1989; Biswal et al., 1995; Salvador et al., 2005; Achard et al., 2006).
Mission control confirmed end of operations just a few minutes later, at 3:40 p.m., when no signal was detected by NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) station in Goldstone, California, at the time the spacecraft would have emerged from behind the planet.
By tracking single B cell receptor (BCR) molecules we have shown how the cortical cytoskeleton network regulates receptor signalling (Mattila et al. 2013; Treanor et al. 2011; Treanor et al. 2010).
Scientists can also measure tiny variations in the velocity of the spacecraft, as accurate as only one foot (0.3 meters) per hour, by using NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) to track the radio signal coming from Dawn.
DS5: The construction of an engineering demonstrator low frequency array resembling our vision of an SKA station and exploration of the practical issues involved in multi-beam acquisition and signal - processing concepts The operation of links in SKADS (using the European research fibre network GÉANT) to join a number of SKADS multi-beaming demonstrators separated by distances up to many hundreds of kilometres, to demonstrate the high angular resolution imaging capabilities required by the SKA community.
Moreover, PHENONIM - ICS is involved in European projects presenting a strong impact on human health: Interreg CARDIOGENE (Genetic mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases), GENCODYS (Genetic and epigenetic networks involved in cognitive dysfunctions), AgedBrainSYSBIO (Basic studies of brain aging), as well as projects in partnership with industry: MAGenTA (an Industrial Strategic Innovation project supported by Bpifrance about the treatment of major urogenital diseases) and CanPathPro (H2020 program), to develop a predictive modeling platform of signaling pathways involved in cancers.
The group went on to identify three key signalling networks that were represented by the bCSC DMR - associated genes; NFKB RB1 and TGFB1, and then analysed these networks in various breast tumours.
«Deficient neuron - microglia signaling results in impaired functional brain connectivity and social behavior» Y. Zhan, R.C. Paolicelli, F. Sforazzini, L. Weinhard, G. Bolasco, F. Pagani, A. L. Vyssotski, A. Bifone, A. Gozzi, D. Ragozzino, C.T. Gross Nature Neuroscience 17 (3), 400-4006 (2014) «USPIO - loaded Red Blood Cells as a biomimetic MR contrast agent: a relaxometric study» A. Boni, D. Ceratti, A. Antonelli, C. Sfara, M. Magnani, E. Manuali, S. Salamida, A. Gozzi, and A. Bifone Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 9, 229 - 236 (2014) «Distributed BOLD and CBV - weighted resting - state networks in the mouse brain» F. Sforazzini, A.J. Schwarz, A. Galbusera, A. Bifone, and A. Gozzi NeuroImage 87, 403 - 415 (2014) «Antimicrobial peptides design by evolutionary multiobject optimization» G. Maccari, M. Di Luca, R. Nifosì, F. Caldarelli, G. Signore, C. Boccardi, and A. Bifone PloS Computational Biology 9 (9): e1003212 (2013) «Differential effect of orexin - 1 and crf - 1 antagonism on stress circuits: a fMRI study in the rat with the pharmacological stressor yohimbine» A. Gozzi, S: Lepore, E: Merlo Pich, and A. Bifone Neuropsychopharmacology 38 (11): 2120 - 2130 (2013) «Water dispersal and functionalization of hydrophobic iron oxide nanoparticles with lipid - modified poly (amidoamine) dendrimers» A. Boni, L. Albertazzi, C. Innocenti, M. Gemmi, and A. Bifone.
At the cell biology level, our interest focuses on signalling networks regulated by G - protein - coupled and growth factor receptors.
Back on Earth, the signals are picked up by large antenna dishes at NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN), which has three complexes in Goldstone, Calif., Madrid, Spain and Canberra, Australia.
This suggests that the behaviour of transcriptional networks downstream of Nanog, FGF signalling, and other key ES cell regulators produce an attractor or attractor states occupied by these cell types.
On Nov. 11, 2014, a global network of telescopes picked up signals from 300 million light - years away that were created by a tidal disruption flare — an explosion of electromagnetic energy that occurs when a black hole rips apart a passing star.
Back on Earth, the rover's signals are picked up by large antenna dishes at NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN), which has three complexes in Goldstone, Calif., Madrid, Spain and Canberra, Australia.
The regions that comprise the functionally connected resting - state default - mode network (DMN) in adults appear to be the same as those that are characterized by task - induced decreases in blood - oxygen - level - dependent (BOLD) signal.
The image shows the localization of the gravitational - wave (from the LIGO - Virgo 3 - detector global network), gamma - ray (by the Fermi and INTEGRAL satellites) and optical (the Swope discovery image) signals from the transient event detected on the 17th of August, 2017.
For the interaction and network data we used three detailed signalling network resources, SignaLink 2,25 Reactome, 26 and a cancer signalling network compiled by Cui et al. 10, as well as two more global protein - protein interaction (PPI) networks, namely the manually curated HPRD, 27 resource and the integrated dataset comprising DIP, 28 IntAct, 29 and BioGrid.30 All these networks have different compilation protocols and thereby provide partially different information.
To understand the selection mechanism behind mutations, network - based studies were used to estimate the importance of a mutated protein compared to non-mutated ones in signalling and protein — protein interaction networks.10, 11,12,13 Proteins mutated in cancer were found having a high number of interacting partners (i.e., a high degree of connectivity), which indicates high local importance.10 Mutated proteins are also often found in the centre of the network, in key global positions, as quantified by the number of shortest paths passing through them if all proteins are connected with each other (i.e., they have high betweenness centrality; hereafter called betweenness).11, 12 Mutated proteins also have high clustering coefficients, which means their neighbours are also neighbours of each other.10, 13 Moreover, neighbourhood analysis of mutated proteins have been previously successfully used to predict novel cancer - related genes.14, 15 However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has concentrated particularly on the topological importance of first neighbours of mutated proteins in cancer, and their usefulness as drug targets themselves.
The researchers discovered signaling networks and key genes regulated by the omega - 3 fatty acid DHA and also vitamin D3 which can help manage inflammation and greatly boost plaque clearance.
They work by targeting your central nervous system, a hub of energy powered by a network of electrical signals that vibrate along our nerves.
Glucocorticoids produce insulin resistance in skeletal muscle by interfering with numerous steps in the insulin - signaling network.
Akt stimulates glucose uptake, glycogen synthesis, and protein synthesis via Akt / mTOR and Akt / GSK -3 β signaling networks and inhibits apoptosis and protein degradation in skeletal muscle by inactivating FoxO transcription factors leading to increased lean mass.
The December 2011 e-publication AMP - activated protein kinase (AMPK) controls the aging process via an integrated signaling network makes the point that control of Nrf2 along with control of other key pathways by AMPK drives aging.
Body Vibes work by targeting the Central Nervous System, a hub of energy powered by a network of electrical signals that vibrate along our nerves.
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