Sentences with phrase «signals are faint»

The radio telescope should be able to pick up signals was faint as those from a cellphone.
The only audible signal was faint tire roar from the slightly stiffer suspension and larger wheels.

Not exact matches

Most of the time this is a good thing as it keeps data costs down; however, there are times when a phone is just close enough to a router to pick up a faint Wi - Fi signal but is far enough from that router to only get a snail's crawl worth of data.
Financial institutions, the next market for Windward's unique data platform, are hungry for advanced data solutions that can provide valuable trading opportunities by extracting faint trading signals from noisy datasets such as maritime information.»
Once the wool has been used and dried if you start to notice a faint pee smell well then that's your signal to wash and lanolize...
In 2001, The Guardian journalist Polly Toynbee writing about Gordon Brown's obsession with the public private partnership (PPP) for London Underground, said: «By personally driving through the public - private partnership against expert advice, and against the will of most MPs and voters, this has now become the Gordon Brown Memorial tube: every late train, failed signal and heat - fainting passenger is his fault as from last week.»
The B - mode signal is extremely faint.
«Measurements of the extragalactic background radiation are always hard to get, because this signal is very faint and, as a result, its detection is strongly dependent on how well one can remove the sources of contamination,» says Angelica De Oliveira - Costa, an expert on cosmic background observations at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The Navigator GPS Flight receiver was purposely designed to detect, acquire, and track faint GPS signals for NASA's MMS mission.
Scientists may soon be able to tease out a faint signal of gravitational waves from black hole collisions too distant to be detected directly, scientists with LIGO, the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory, report in the April...
Other astronomers say the method of pulling faint planetary signals out of background noise needs to be verified.
The researchers showed that their device can amplify a faint signal from a neighboring system even when that signal's amplitude is as small as ten trillionths of a meter.
The instruments that will fly aboard Webb — cameras and spectrographs with detectors able to record extremely faint signalsare part of the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM), which is currently undergoing its final cryogenic vacuum test and will be integrated with the mirror later this year.
Many of the cluster stars are fainter than those normally targeted for exoplanet searches and trying to detect the weak signal from possible planets pushed HARPS to the limit.
Making the cavity very cold allows their instrument to detect very faint signals of light absorption, the same way that you might be able to hear a pin drop if you made a room extremely quiet.
«The techniques required to detect extremely faint signals produced by distant black holes were developed over decades,» Dr Madsen said.
He says the Chandra X-ray Observatory may be sensitive enough to pick up an even fainter X-ray signal, which could mark the spot where the burst exploded.
Lawrence Rudnick, the astronomer who led the team that found the void, was studying data from the Very Large Array, a network of 27 radio antennas in New Mexico, when he spotted a gap in the constellation Eridanus where radio signals from galaxies appear unusually faint.
The team's models revealed that, while apparently cloud - free exoplanets showed strong signs of water, the atmospheres of those hot Jupiters with faint water signals also contained clouds and haze — both of which are known to hide water from view.
Critical to the success of the treaty is an ever - growing array of advanced monitoring stations and sensors — 337 facilities in 89 nations when complete — that provides nuclear test detection capabilities by reading even faint atmospheric, seismic, or acoustic signals.
This shows that scars are capable of producing chemical signals, albeit faint ones, that permit axons to grow over them.
Discerning such faint signals within the cacophony of the brain will be «incredibly difficult,» Koch says, no matter how far neurotechnology advances.
«We focused on red - dwarf stars, which are smaller and fainter than our Sun, since we expect any biomarker signals from planets orbiting such stars to be easier to detect.»
While biomarkers have never been spotted in observations of an exoplanet, because their signal is so faint, the new generation of telescopes being planned today, such as the European Extremely Large Telescope, may be sensitive enough to detect them.
Or the signal from a collision may be too faint because the crash occurred too far away.
If molecules were freely floating as gases, Snyder realized, some of them should spin like batons and create a faint radio - wave signal.
But any experiment to prove that quantum illumination can boost the sensitivity of imaging has to use weak signals, and creating materials capable of upconverting faint beams with high efficiency is technically daunting, Kumar says.
Triggered by erratic electrical signals, atrial fibrillation is a chaotic, rapid pumping of the heart that can cause palpitations, shortness of breath, fainting, and in severe cases strokes.
«The CMB sky is a snapshot of the early Universe, it is a single frame in the movie of the Universe, and we have shown that Rayleigh signal gives us another fainter snapshot of the same scene at a slightly different time,» co-author Kris Sigurdson explained.
«We needed that long because the target is so faint, we need enough strength of signal to process the data to concentrate on such quiescent emissions and to get the signatures identified firmly.»
ALMA is a telescope suitable for analyzing molecules in galaxies because of: 1) a high sensitivity to detect faint radio signals; 2) a high fidelity imaging capability to image actual gas distributions; 3) the ability to observe wideband multiple wavelengths simultaneously, and high spatial resolution.
The end result of their responses to these challenges was a massive suppression of the bulk response from the quartz, enabling the faint surface signal to be detected with exquisite sensitivity (see sidebar).
Now, astronomers from MIT and Arizona State University have peered right back to the «Cosmic Dawn» — the time when the first stars were beginning to fire up — by picking up an extremely faint radio signal that marks the earliest evidence of hydrogen, just 180 million years after the Big Bang.
Astronomers have now peered right back to the «Cosmic Dawn» — when the first stars were beginning to fire up — by picking up an extremely faint radio signal that marks the earliest evidence of hydrogen, just 180 million years after the Big Bang.
In hopes of capturing the faint signal, LUX has been placed under a mile - thick layer of rock, which will help shield it from cosmic rays and other radiation that might interfere with the signal.
The JWST, a joint NASA / ESA / CSA venture that is due to launch in 2018, has a primary mirror (partially pictured at the top of the story) that's about five times larger than Hubble's, meaning it can resolve much fainter signals, locating stars and other objects that have never been seen before.
So far, the neural network has identified two previously unidentified planets that produced signals so faint scientists hadn't yet been able to spot them.
The cylinder contains the radio receiver which amplifies the faint cosmic signals by a factor of many million, making them strong enough to be recorded on a chart.
According to Troja, the X-ray signal, spotted nine days after LIGO's first detection, would've been too faint for any other X-ray telescopes to see.
Dr. Lockman explains how a radio telescope and arrays of radio telescopes work and the challenges of detecting the faint signals they are trying to analyze along with describing what can be gleaned from analyzing those signals.
This is a particularly exciting band because it allows astronomers to detect faint signals of water in the nearby Universe.
There's a faint smile on her face to signal the appearance of calm.
Since 1978, O'Reilly has been a chronicler and catalyst of leading - edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and galvanizing their adoption by amplifying «faint signals»... More
Signs of heavy breathing and fainting signal an emergency situation and should be addressed with your veterinarian right away.
One of which is locating faint radio signals.
Some of our actions are the equivalent of faint static behind the stronger signal of natural variations in droughts, storms and the like.
I think Bob Tisdale has some serious objections to removing the ENSO from the warming signal, the reasons for which I only have a faint grasp but might be of some interest to you.
A signal has been found: faint and fuzzy.
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