Sentences with phrase «significance of trends»

-- as long as you ignore the lack of significance of the trend.
It's vital to see that support for such work is sustained, given the early stages of understanding and enormous significance of these trends.
The ratio of trend estimate to its standard deviation, called the t - ratio, is used as measure of the statistically significance of the trend.
These changes have brought new actors not traditionally associated with humanitarian situations onto the scene: technologists, data analysts, social innovators, private sector businesses and financial intermediaries, among others.Yet to understand the full significance of these trends, we must dig deeper.
Anything beyond histograms (e.g. significance of trends etc.) needs to deal with this somehow and it gets complicated fast.
This may not have much effect on the look of the power spectrum, which has limited extent, but I suspect it could well have an effect on the apparent significance of a trend within the series.
Debate over whether the warming has really «paused» and the statistical significance of a trend over a short interval are basically debating points.
When determining the statistical significance of a trend line, for example, realizations with both signs are used to determine the p - value.
To understand the significance of this trend line we need to understand the way trend lines change polarity or function.
Only recently have I been contemplating the significance of this trend, catching myself in the act of commodifying and consuming other people and also experiencing the pain of being commodified and consumed myself.
Mainline leaders have been slow to grasp the significance of this trend for the future of Protestantism.
There is a further point I would make concerning this graph and the significance of a trend which I think would further reinforce what I am arguing but for that I need to know what units the Y - axis autocorrelation is being measured in.
The total variance in the data gives an upper limit to the errors, and using that upper limit we can compute a statistically reliable estimate of the significance of the trend.
These results indicate that the commonly used pre-whitening procedure for eliminating the effect of serial correlation on the MK test leads to potentially inaccurate assessments of the significance of a trend; and certain procedures will be more appropriate for eliminating the impact of serial correlation on the MK test.
The package uses an efficient implementation of Sen's slope method (Sen, 1968) to calculate trend magnitude and provides two options for removing lag - 1 autocorrelation (the correlation of a given time series with its own earlier values) and computing the significance of trend: Xuebin Zhang's (Zhang, 1999) and Yue - Pilon's (Yue, 2002).
The ISPM states: «The significance of trends in temperature and precipitation data is likely to have been overstated in previous analyses», due to possible long - term persistence of accumulated climate changes.
In our paper we also look at the effect of bias on the significance of the trends, which is maximised for 1997/1998.
The latter should be calculated and used in testing the significance of any trend.
Phil Jones did not say that there «had been no significant warming» he was misquoted from a discussion of the statistical significance of the trend.
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