Sentences with phrase «significant amount of activity»

He observed a significant amount of activity on the teacher's laptop and remotely accessed his hard drive to perform a virus scan.

Not exact matches

But still, you will need to shed off a significant amount of money every month for your SEO activities.
BRAC told us that it invests a significant amount of staff time in verifying the accuracy of its CHPs» reported activities and to evaluate the quality of the care that CHPs provide.114 However, we have not seen any reports on details of these evaluations.
However, there is a large amount of work in the pipeline in the medium - density sector, as well as significant renovation activity and signs of strength in leading indicators of housing demand and finance.
And then, just to clarify, I know this was a big discussion topic kind of intra-quarter, but which of your non-U.S. countries have the most significant amount of pricing that are done in dollars, and has there been any material amount of discounting or extra competitive activity in these countries just given how much other currencies have depreciated versus the dollar in recent months?
He wastes huge amounts of time on pointless activities, suffers emotional harm under a bizarre worldview that accuses him of being inherently evil, and feels forced to throw away significant amounts of money to fund the perpetuation of the belief system his is enslaved by.
The majority of Dick's Last Resorts are located in high - profile parts of large - market cities, particularly those that attract a significant amount of tourism and convention activity.
This is an activity that will take about 20 hours to complete, so it will require a significant amount of patience to assemble.
The only other factor found to make a significant difference to the children's amount of body fat was their level of physical activity.
This rapid turnover means that even if human activity was directly adding or removing significant amounts of water vapour (it isn't), there would be no slow build - up of water vapour as is happening with CO2 (see Climate myths: Human CO2 emissions are tiny compared with natural sources).
Common Cause has requested that the IRS investigate ALEC's 501 (c)(3) status for participating in a significant amount of lobbying activity by promulgating corporate - sponsored model bills and providing resources to the legislators promoting those bills.
According to Scott Weiss, an exercise physiologist and personal trainer, with a sudden halt of physical activity there is a decrease of the amount of blood pumped out of the heart and a significant increase of heart rate and blood pressure.
It's also the reason why sports drinks such as Gatorade, which are formulated to help you rehydrate during physical activity, have significant amounts of sodium.
That might not seem like a significant amount of time, but research shows only five percent of people actually achieve this level of consistent activity.
Blueberries contain significant amounts of polyphenols that trigger antioxidant activity and may help to prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Dandelion root preparations have been found to have significant amounts of antioxidants that have been scientifically proven to eliminate free radical activity.
They offer a significant amount of calories burned per minute along as well as being a really enjoyable activity.
«Significant amounts of commercial activity» are already taking place in public schools in Australia, said Dr Greg Thompson, who is Associate Professor of Education Research at the Queensland University of Technology and one of the co-authors of the report.
Organizations of every shape and size are spending significant amounts on training: In 2015 alone, spends on training activities (including insourced and outsourced spend) reached a whopping $ 355 billion, according to various estimates; a healthy 10.4 % growth over the previous year.
Private schools, on the other hand, can raise tuition, and they also can raise significant amounts of money from a variety of development activities, including annual appeals, cultivation of alumni and alumnae, and solicitation of grants from foundations and corporations.
Candidates who have spent a significant amount of time with children — from student teaching jobs, leading camps, or co-teaching, among other activities — are particularly attractive to independent schools.
Much of the activity over these final two days takes place in the German halls, but there is also a significant amount of interest being shown to books written in English.
Most of its smartphone activity came in the later part of the year and was criticized for a significant amount of overlap, where the delayed Droid Bionic shipped in September only to be supplemented by the more advanced Droid RAZR just two months later, triggering confusion as well as resentment from early adopters who bought the Bionic.
Because money managers control significant amounts of money, their trading activity works against them.
Several years ago, it saw a significant amount of M&A activity among pet product manufacturers, as bigger players bought up small, up - and - coming brands in key product categories.
A lot of the evidence for the success of particular approaches is not as strong as we would like, and we think that further research is one good activity to fund.92 But it is also likely that at least some current approaches, and possibly nearly all of them, are among the best ways we can now use significant amounts of resources to help animals.
If your dog has a low level of activity, and spends a significant amount of time indoors, you will want to feed them slightly less than their recommended daily portion.
Thanks to a significant amount of thermal activity, Costa Rica is dotted with a large number of volcanoes and thermal hot springs.
The recent financial downturn and the resulting economic uncertainty has put pressure on the job market and consumer spending, causing a significant drop in the number of people travelling abroad and the amount people spend on holidays and leisure activities.
The client acknowledges that the nature of the tour is adventurous and that such activities may involve a significant amount of personal risk.
That is a significant amount of time, and a very reasonable amount of entertainment for the price, especially as building it is not the entire activity.
· significant discrete tax - related items, including amounts related to changes in tax laws (including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted in December 2017), amounts related to the potential or final resolution of tax positions, and other unusual or unique tax - related items and activities.
** GAAP EPS includes incremental expense ($ 1.03 for the fourth quarter and $ 1.04 for the full year 2017) due to the impact of significant discrete tax - related items, including amounts related to changes in tax laws (including a reasonable estimate of the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted in December 2017, as provided for in accordance with Securities and Exchange Commission guidance), and amounts related to the potential or final resolution of tax positions, and other unusual or unique tax - related items and activities.
In this data activity, students interpret raw data on snow cover and explore the climatic impact of the «lake effect» - a significant factor determining snowfall amount in the Great Lakes drainage basin is the surface temperature of the lakes... (View More) Step - by - step instructions for use of the MY NASA DATA Live Access Server (LAS) guide students through selecting a data set, importing the data into a spreadsheet, creating graphs, and analyzing data plots.
The following table shows there have been periods of greater hurricane activity before atmospheric CO2 increased by any significant amount.
Though greenhouse gases are produced naturally (e.g. a volcanic eruption), the majority of the scientific community claims that human activity (e.g. burning fossil fuels) adds significant amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
Ok — lets generalize then - one group is saying that there is a significant amount of damage being done to the biosphere through human activity to warrant concern - this group is made up of atmospheric scientists, biologists, physicists, oceanographers, Nasa climate scientists, National Science Academies, WMO etc
I have too much respect for Allison to get into a spitting match with him over something that there is simply too little data to positively determine, too much corruption and money involved for those who support that mankind can affect and control global weather to any significant amount all while ignoring so many other factors such as solar winds, Sun spot activity and even the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, which is never a part of any of the seriously flawed climate models.
A significant amount of waste is generated by daily building operations and maintenance activities.
While consolidation of routes may be inconvenient for sleep - deprived teenagers, it does make for cleaner air and frees up a significant amount of money for school boards to use for other activities.
Since the beginning of the year we have seen a significant amount of press reporting and activity in relation to the gender pay gap.
There is a decent amount of deal activity in the pipeline, and there is obviously a significant amount of ongoing dispute resolution and investigations work.
The magnitude of the public outcry and the amount of media attention given to the ordeal has been significant even in the context of the scope of the incident which is said to have seen Cambridge Analytica harvest data of some 50 million Facebook users while informing less than one - percent of them of that activity several years back, then leveraging that information to fight an information war during the 2016 presidential election in the United States, an accusation made by a whistleblower that the firm repeatedly denied.
Without those rules in place, ISPs may have the ability to target content or services where they see a significant amount of user activity — and cryptocurrency exchanges have become a hotbed of action as more and more people try to get in on the booming market.
Bitcoin has received a significant amount of negative attention over the last few years for its association with drugs and other illegal activities.
Some candidates are so passionate about what they want to do professionally that they invest a significant amount of time outside of work engaging in that activity.
A suburb of Phoenix, this city draws much of its economic activity from its larger neighbor but also contributes a significant amount of its own especially in sports related activity.
... the documenting of activity and the liability - obsessed culture of government services is such that if there are substantial cuts to administrative staff with an expectation of the same levels of activity recording, there will be significant consequences for the amount of time clinicians can spend with their patients.
The particular parenting plan, such as where the child spends a significant amount of time, but less than 20 percent of the overnights, with one parent, thereby reducing the financial expenditures incurred by the other parent; or the refusal of a parent to become involved in the activities of the child.
According to the survey results, the Hispanic population will be driving a significant amount of real estate activity in the near future.
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