Sentences with phrase «significant amount of damage»

They sometimes just can't find a path to your enemies, and will take significant amounts of damage in the process of standing still as they try to figure out who to prioritize.
Cunningly attacking from the sides and rear of an enemy will deal significant amounts of damage, allowing units to be eliminated more efficiently.
«We came out of the finale at Sonoma with significant amount of damage to the rear of the No. 9 car.
This is why if you notice your rabbit trying to dig a things its important to take action with some simple bunny proofing as soon as possible before significant amount of damage is done and the constant distraction of having to jump up every time it start spoils the time you are supposed to be spending relaxing and enjoying time together.
Akron police contacted Sheriff's detectives following the incident in which they said two males entered an ATM vestibule at the bank and caused a significant amount of damage inside the space.
Estes calls the hunt the «first concrete and well - chronicled example of killer whales coming in and doing a significant amount of damage to a population.»
My client eventually won its legal battle and secured a significant amount of damages from the infringers.
The best way to do that is to repair a significant amount of the damaged DNA, but that is exceptionally challenging, beyond present capabilities.
But resistance training, unlike running or cycling, also causes a significant amount of damage to your muscle fibers.
The photo of this caved in Beamer was taken by an F10post forum member - MarkE90M3 - and it clearly shows a significant amount of damage on the car on both its right side and, more severely, the roof - or what's left of it - that seems to have collapsed under some pretty heavy weight.
«And even if it's your fault, there has to be a significant amount of damage.
If unchecked this can lead to a significant amount of damage, costly repairs or a loss of landlords deposit.
Often the skin and hair coat look very healthy, but metabolically a significant amount of damage is occurring.
Prestige still provides benefits that can be worth more than its annual fee, but a significant amount of damage has been done to its value.
You then have the option of sacrificing your Rage to perform a Rage Art which is the equivalent of a super move and deals a significant amount of damage.
If the attack landed, the player would deal a significant amount of damage to the opponent, leading to a faster knock out.
In this case my character wielded a humongous Great Sword that could inflict a significant amount of damage, and wore the fur lined armour that the protagonist has worn in much of the promotional material released for the game so far.
Parry allows you to deal a significant amount of damage and is a crucial defensive manoeuvre in Final Fantasy XV combat system.
Prior to engaging the Crocodilian, make sure you have trinkets that buff your Dodge abilities, as the primary goal when fighting the Crocodilian is to avoid his attacks, which deal a significant amount of damage.
On the off chance that you manage to stun the AI, you'll be able to pull off a Bellator Moment where your fighter performs a special attack that deals a significant amount of damage to your opponent.
This gun is very compact in size and deals a significant amount of damage compared to its size.
At the end of a character's turn, given they have enough exe, the face buttons turn into four moves of your choice that do a significant amount of damage.
Thus, the manufacturer might be on the hook for a significant amount of damages, including wrongful death, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of companionship, etc., not to mention medical bills, funeral costs, etc..
Trucks have the capacity to cause a significant amount of damage when they are involved in an accident.
Some rear - end accidents do not produce a significant amount of damage to the automobiles.
These kinds of cases can be costly to pursue and an employee may be able to recover a significant amount of damages.
If the accident caused a significant amount of damage, your vehicle could be declared a total loss.
Vandals often target multiple cars in an area, stealing property and causing a significant amount of damage.
«And even if it's your fault, there has to be a significant amount of damage.
If the apartment or house you live in gets destroyed, then chances are that your belongings will suffer a significant amount of damage as well.
We truly believe that once you begin to seek help as a couple, a significant amount of damage has already occurred and vague dialogues about pleasantries and connection are unable to touch the place where you both need to be in order to be successful.
If a couple seeks marriage counseling before divorce but after a significant amount of damage has been done to their relationship, the marriage counseling may prove to be ineffective and only prolongs an inevitable breakup.
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