Sentences with phrase «significant amount of risk»

These discrepant figures are due in part to the fact that Sierra Nevada had «the most significant amount of risk reduction and technology development work to do,» according to a statement by NASA when it awarded the latest round of funding in 2012.
This cycle of hot potato will end, and we will have opportunities to accept moderate or even significant amounts of risk, with proportionately high expected returns.
Plus, it involves a significant amount of risk.
It also offers a significant amount of risk.
Due to the credit, a large number of CPD programs now include a significant amount of risk management and claims prevention content.
Without any medical exam to determine the state of an applicant's health, the insurance company is taking on a significant amount of risk in providing coverage to an individual for which so little is known about their health.
Each time car insurance is issued, the insurance provider is taking a significant amount of risk.
But trusting your $ 300 Nintendo Switch to a third - party dock seems like a questionable idea that comes with a significant amount of risk.
«The ability to track previous performance of small businesses that process payments with Square will also mitigate a significant amount of risk inherent in lending to small...
There is always a significant amount of risk involved when leaving an abusive relationship, which magnifies exponentially when children are involved.
The investment world is still characterized by a significant amount of risk aversion and conservative behavior since the Great Recession.
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