Sentences with phrase «significant amounts of carbon dioxide»

The on - road transportation sector releases significant amounts of carbon dioxide, black carbon, and ozone — all substances that cause warming.
With warming greater than 2 °C, there is a high risk of abrupt and irreversible changes to ecosystems such as forests, which would lead to «substantial additional climate change» considering that trees sequester significant amounts of carbon dioxide.
According to a Duke University study, this also prevented significant amounts of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.
He found that even in places where burning coal was so deep in the ground that there was no visual evidence on the surface, there were still significant amounts of carbon dioxide rising up.
Hydroelectric dams produce significant amounts of carbon dioxide and methane, and in some cases produce more of these greenhouse gases than power plants running on fossil fuels.
One problem is that producing oil from shale or oil sands generates significant amounts of carbon dioxide — but a lot of that carbon dioxide comes from producing the hydrogen needed to process the raw materials.
After making headlines last year for pledging to invest $ 3 billion in renewable energy technologies, he's upped the ante on curbing climate change by offering a $ 25 million prize to whoever comes up with the best way of removing significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
In a statement published after the experiment was completed, the Alfred Wegener Institute, where Smetacek works, said the results «dampened hopes on the potential of the Southern Ocean to sequester significant amounts of carbon dioxide and thus mitigate global warming.»
If Arctic areas continue to warm, scientists speculate that thawing Arctic soils may release significant amounts of carbon dioxide and methane currently trapped in permafrost.
The trees also capture a significant amount of carbon dioxide, helping the farm to reduce its carbon footprint.
«But it has dampened hopes on the potential of the Southern Ocean to sequester significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and thus mitigate global warming.»
However, the data also showed that significant amounts of carbon dioxide were being absorbed by the waters near the ocean surface.
The combustion of coal, however, adds a significant amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere per unit of heat energy, more than does the combustion of other fossil fuels.
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