Sentences with phrase «significant asset divorce»

Kim Cannon represents clients in cases involving natural resources, commercial litigation, construction, employment, personal injury, product liability, professional malpractice, securities, and significant asset divorce litigation.

Not exact matches

For these reasons people who are contemplating divorce should consult with an attorney, especially when children or significant marital assets are involved.
One of the most significant parts of the divorce proceeding is going through the process to divide property and assets.
If you are considering divorce and there are significant assets to be taken into account, such as property, a business, a pension, an expected inheritance, a large salary or simply money in the bank, you should speak to a family lawyer who specialises in matrimonial finances immediately.
Trials are rare in divorce however are more common in divorces involving minor children, complex property division or significant assets.
It is important to retain an experienced law firm that has significant expertise with the financial issues involved in Divorce, including property division, the valuation of assets, spousal maintenance (alimony), real estate issues, cash flow schedules, balance sheet preparation, debt division, business valuation, present value calculations for pensions, the analysis of retirement accounts and various tax issues associated with Divorce.
L It is important to retain an experienced law firm that has significant expertise with the financial issues involved in Divorce, including property division, the valuation of assets, spousal maintenance (alimony), real...
We are one of the UK's leading family law firms, and have considerable expertise in complex, high - profile divorce cases, including ones involving significant wealth and international assets.
Planning for the possibility may limit difficulties if the issue arises, especially if you have significant assets or own a business that could be affected by divorce action later on.
If you are going through a divorce and have significant assets, speak with a Los Angeles high net worth divorce attorney at Berenji & Associates today.
Whether a divorcing couple has significant or modest assets, an attorney who understands the implications and complexities of property division is vital.
Divorce is always stressful, especially if you own significant assets that make exit strategies complicated.
Represented individuals in divorces with significant assets at stake (closely held businesses, professional practices, investments, stock options, etc.).
If you are considering marriage and are either bringing significant assets to the union or have children from a previous marriage, you may want to consider a prenuptial agreement to identify the division of assets in the event of separation or divorce.
We have significant expertise in complex offshore corporate and trust entities, high value family or business assets, the tax consequences of divorce or separation and pension issues.
In a divorce, we understand that the spouse whom we represent will have important questions: what will happen to the marital property, will alimony or spousal support be awarded (and if so, how is this determined), what will happen to our house, vehicles, and other significant assets, who will be entitled to live in the current residence, and how will custody matters be determined?
Where a spouse has significant business assets, they can often try to downplay their value on divorce.
The most significant assets in the Virginia divorce case were the husband's military pension and the former marital residence.
At Nolletti Law Group, our White Plains divorce lawyers use all resources available to provide our clients with the security and peace of mind which come from knowing that they are represented by a team of assertive, client - centered divorce attorneys and professionals with substantial experience in efficiently handling complex matrimonial litigation that involves significant assets.
Attorney Welsh handles complex divorce and family law actions involving significant income and assets and child custody issues.
We have also dealt with Scottish divorce cases involving overseas and offshore assets and assets held in trust, and have significant expertise in resolving international child abduction cases.
So although not everyone needs a divorce lawyer, obtaining a good one is often in your best interests — especially if your divorce is complicated, contested, involves children, you have significant assets, or if your soon - to - be ex-spouse has hired a divorce lawyer.
If you have children or significant assets with your spouse, consider hiring a legal and / or financial professional to guide you through the divorce process.
It is often necessary for the defendant to file an answer to a divorce complaint if the spouses have not reached an agreement on the division of significant assets or child custody arrangements.
Finding out after your divorce that your spouse hid assets from you can result in a decidedly sinking feeling, especially if those assets are of significant value.
Because baby boomers have accumulated significant assets, it's easier for them to divorce — there is enough money for both spouses to manage comfortably afterward.
The marital home is often the most significant asset most divorcing couples own.
You will also be able to quickly tell and later prove if there are significant changes or movement of assets, and this may help you make the decision about whether collaborative divorce is right for you.
Complex divorces involving substantial assets and significant issues of child custody, support, alimony and equitable distribution
When divorce involves children, years of assets, or significant debt, you will want a professional in your corner to advocate for you and protect your family's interests.
Besides the marital home, a family owned business can be one of the significant assets that is divided in a divorce.
Already married couples may wish to create agreements to define what will happen to assets in the event of divorce, update a pre-nuptial agreement, address a significant change in the financial circumstances of one or both spouses, or simply create agreements regarding recurring financial issues in the marital relationship.
The divorce costs over $ 80,000 and drags on for more than 4 years during which time both parties have liquidated a significant portion of the marital assets, and have struggled to move forward in their respective personal lives.
A divorcing couple with significant assets and / or debts may require appraisers, forensic accountants and other experts to help value businesses and land.
Sogand \'s representative cases include preparation and enforcement of premarital agreements, highly contested divorces with significant assets, alimony disputes, debt, preparation of parenting plans, domestic and international custody disputes with jurisdictional complexities, post-divorce custody modification, civil protection orders, contested step - parent adoption, and complex and contested foster - parent adoptions.
A divorce with significant assets or substantial debt will take longer than a divorce with limited assets and debts.
Collaborative divorce makes sense when significant assets are involved, such as when celebrities divorce.
When you have significant assets at stake in a divorce, there are issues that can affect child custody and your parenting plan.
If you are a member of a high net worth family and accustomed to a certain standard of living, a divorce can post a significant threat to your assets and lifestyle.
If your case involves significant assets, a family business, a possible battle over child custody rights or the unique aspects of military divorce, you need an attorney who has secured positive results for a variety of clients in these types of matters before.
When you have significant assets, it is natural to want to maintain control of them in a divorce.
Many people may think divorces involving significant assets, business ownership, or complex finances need to be dealt with in court to ensure assets are properly protected.
You may benefit from at least consulting with a divorce attorney, however, if your case is complex, involves significant assets, or business interests.
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