Sentences with phrase «significant authority»

Principals will also retain significant authority in hiring teachers of their choosing.
Content marketers often provide significant authority and expertise in their niche, providing a powerful platform for your ICO.
In New York, questions about the evaluation system are widespread, given that state guidelines grant significant authority to principals and teachers to decide how student learning should be measured.
The law, as you may recall, represented a major departure from No Child Left Behind, sending significant authority back to the states.
The president has significant authority under federal law to retaliate against countries he believes are trading unfairly.
Following majority Lutheran tradition, individual congregations retain significant authority over the teaching and parish life in their context.
The current constitution specifically prohibits Suu Kyi from holding the title of president (though she will likely still maintain significant authority), and ensures certain powers remain in the hands of military officials.
It hands significant authority back to the states on all the issues that matter: the content of academic standards and related assessments, the design of school accountability systems, and interventions in low - performing schools.
We should get accustomed to the idea of intense debates over future secretaries for as long as the US Department of Education wields such significant authority.
With the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) returning significant authority over K - 12 education to the states, it's more important than ever for stakeholders at all levels — from educators to superintendents, state - level administrators to parents and the public — to be engaged and feel ownership over ESSA implementation.
In Chicago, state law places significant authority in the hands of local school councils and defines their makeup: six parents, two community representatives, two teachers, and the principal.
Educators say the state was slow to roll out rules for the system, which gives schools their first significant authority over spending since the late 1970s, when the state took over education funding after a taxpayer revolt and lawsuits challenging funding disparities.
The passage of the nation's largest federal education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), shifts significant authority to the state and local levels in order to identify and target resources to support effective educators.
A view of significant authority has recently been presented by Baroness Hale, in an interview for the United Kingdom Supreme Court blog.
The laws granted the GOED particularly significant authority over what documents related to the deals may be considered public.
The liability claims adjuster follows technical direction in carrying out his / her tasks, working within significant authority and limits in analyzing applicable coverage for all submitted claims, and finding out if the loss is within the policy coverage.
That fracking would only occur after it passed a vote in these municipalities is notable because it aligns with NYS Home Rule governance, which grants significant authority to local communities.
Pre-critical naivete is that early childhood stage in which we take it for granted that whatever the significant authority figures in our lives tell us to be true, is indeed true.
Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said: «This landmark agreement shows how serious we are about moving powers out of Whitehall and reinforces the significant authority and finance already given to local communities.»
Under such an arrangement, the SEA authorizes outside organizations to take on these responsibilities, distributes funds to them, grants them significant authority and flexibility, and develops performance contracts by which to hold them accountable for meeting the state's goals.
However, there are critical areas in which principals and teachers have significant authority to make important changes that positively affect students.
This is no different than a trial court distinguishing a significant authority relied upon by a party.
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