Sentences with phrase «significant causes»

The lack of robust case management is perhaps the most significant cause of delays.
That would be a real significant cause for concern.
One of the most significant causes of this crisis has a lot to do with the modern communication platforms (i.e. new media).
Then again it may not ultimately matter whether inflammation is the most significant cause of our decay.
But as investors look ahead to what 2018 holds in store, there might be significant cause for concern.
If that is really the justification — the enoromous costs incurred by families and a society when a child is poisoned — than our efforts are better spent addressing the much more significant cause of childhood lead poisoning — older housing and buildings coated with lead paint.
The only significant cause of friction was the player's preference not to play for El Tri.
Looking forward, the RAND team recommends that the federal government increase funding for gun research to levels comparable to federal research investments in other significant causes of death and injury, such as automobile accidents.
The insinuation that coal closures is a leading or even significant cause of higher rates in the US is very suspect.
The impact was reasonably significant causing the Plaintiff's head to jerk to the right and hit the window, then snap back.
His work, involving stem cell technology, will help drive forward efforts to understand and develop therapies for macular degeneration, one of the most significant causes of morbidity in the elderly.
More importantly, the focus on dietary fat is more likely a distraction to more significant causes of metabolic syndrome [30].
Major storm events, such as those we often see during El Niño years, can be significant causes of mortality for elephant seals in their first year of life, says National Park Service ecologist Sarah Allen.
In his book, «The Dollar Crisis», Richard Duncan cites the flood of cheap imported goods from China into the United States as a significant cause of deflation.
Shopping cart abandonment remains a significant cause of heartburn for just about every online business — from the smallest storefront...
While the analysts that predicted the Fed's actions would lead to significant inflation probably overstated the power the central bank has on the economy, we think the most significant cause of low inflation has had nothing to do with monetary policy.
This prominent British interpretation of Vatican II's call for development has been a significant cause of the weakening of the virtue of faith in our land.
International organisations including the World Health Organisation list «unsafe abortion» as a significant cause of maternal death after haemorrhage and sepsis but the category is misleading for a number of reasons.
The New Atheism debate has confirmed one significant cause of the atheism of many scientists, particularly physicists.
Do my (our) values and lifestyle allow me (us) time for a significant cause, a challenge beyond my (our) inner circle, that will help others and improve my (our) community?
I believe that one significant cause of our disappointment has been our own expectations and it's here that I want to begin my analysis of the season.
Heart disease and stroke are significant causes of death in women, but there are steps that can be taken to help reduce the risk for these conditions.
While NEC continues to be a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in extreme preterm infants, the increased use of human breast milk and implementation of standardized feeding protocols have helped to reduce its incidence.
Another significant cause of death for babies with an abruption are the related factors to pre-term delivery.
Sometimes, breastfeeding challenges have more significant causes, for example torticollis * can mimic tongue - tie and undermine breastfeeding.
Head injuries in babies, a significant cause of cerebral palsy in the early months of life, often can be prevented when babies ride in car seats properly positioned in the back seat of the car.
A significant cause of the difference between 2015 and the two most recent non-election years came from lower numbers reported by the state's top fundraiser, Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
On a general note, I strongly doubt that immigration is a significant cause of the populist movement in Europe and the states, and that more fundamental problems in the way democracy is organized are the cause.
I then researched organizations, political movements, and influential politicians that support this form of ranked voting but was unable to find any significant causes.
Discrimination is not a significant cause in the gender pay gap between men and women, according to new research released today.
But the river is in trouble, and water laws are one significant cause.
Viral infections that occur in a patient's lungs are a significant cause of hospitalization and death among children and the elderly.
Influenza is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity, resulting in more than 200,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. each year, on average.
It found that while cholera was the main source of illness, rotavirus remained a «significant cause» of diarrheal disease in children under five in Haiti.
Kidney disease, which often leads to kidney failure, is a common complication of ciliopathies and is a significant cause of childhood disease and death.
«Fungal infections are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and current antifungal drugs have drawbacks.
PHILADELPHIA — Viral infections that occur in a patient's lungs are a significant cause of hospitalization and death among children and the elderly.
The most significant cause of death among p21 - null females (60 %) was renal failure diagnosed by severe glomerulonephritis at an average age of 9.6 months (Table 1) ⇓.
This rate is, however, highly variable among projects, with success ranging from 0 to 90 % and with detachment being a significant cause of mortality.
«With the launch of Unyvero UTI, clinicians now have access to Unyvero cartridges that cover all primary infections which may lead to sepsis, still the number one cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and the most significant cause of death in non-coronary intensive care units.»
It could be speculated that the differences in age may add to obtained results, but age per se seems not to be a significant cause of insulin resistance (16).
Metastasis represents the most significant cause of death from the disease.
HPV is also a significant cause of head and neck cancers.
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