Sentences with phrase «significant cultural moment»

Not exact matches

She demonstrates «how the commercial became the cultural — how the rise of consumer capitalism transformed one of life's most significant, intimate moments
The introduction establishes the importance of Black artisans in colonial New Orleans and references the emergence of iconic cultural forms including jazz, vernacular architecture, politically significant moments in New Orleans history (Plessy v. Ferguson), and food.
But if you're able to snag a few moments at these stations, you'll see the objects on view in the aesthetic and cultural context of significant artworks, monuments, and movements: Marcel Duchamp's 1913 readymade Roue de bicyclette [Bicycle Wheel]; the Crystal Palace at the 1851 World's Fair; Pop Art's embrace of mass - media messaging.
The last decade of the twentieth century marked a brief, significant moment of intense, rapid sociopolitical, economic and cultural transformation, particularly for women, a group historically marginalized and overlooked.
Among other themes, it highlights royal patronage, luxury industries, and the dynamism of cultural activity, which found in book production one of its most significant moments.
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