Sentences with phrase «significant differences»

Significant differences were found between the three apple production systems considering environmental impacts of pesticide use.
Researchers found that each supplement had produced a similar effect because there were no significant differences in the ratings between the two groups.
Results showed no significant differences in the ratings between the groups supplemented with rice versus whey for recovery and both groups experienced changes in body composition, strength and power, specifically, muscle mass, strength, and power increased while body fat decreased.
Results showed there were no significant differences in the ratings between the groups supplemented with rice versus whey for recovery.
The diets are very similar, but there are some significant differences.
Neither were there any significant differences in gastrointestinal symptoms, serology or malabsorption parameters after 24 weeks.
Due to the significant differences in soil and climate, these won't be real Peperoni di Senise, and we expect them to taste different from the ones on location.
Germination tests conducted under two different temperature regimes did not reveal any significant differences in percent germination, total seedling length, or seedling vigour index.
The difference between green smoothies and green juices is important to note because there are significant differences in the health benefits they offer.
However, when one group of researchers studied whey vs. rice protein head to head, they found that both whey and rice offered similar post-exercise body composition benefits... there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups.
There were no significant differences between the 12 test groups in the proportions of main vs. joint household grocery purchasing responsibility (F11, 789 = 1.5, p > 0.05), gender (F11, 789 = 0.6, p > 0.05), age group (F11, 789 = 0.5, p > 0.05), education level (F11, 789 = 1.0, p > 0.05) or household income (F11, 789 = 0.9, p > 0.05), indicating that randomization to test groups was successful.
No significant differences between SES groups were evident for other labelling systems.
There were no significant differences in participants» ability to identify the healthier food products between the TL and the TL + systems.
In a study examining the effect of caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages on hydration status, no significant differences were found in the effect of various combinations (Grandjean, A et.
According to the research, there is no statistically significant differences between antioxidant levels in fresh vs. frozen berries, so you will not lose those benefits when eating frozen fruit.
In addition, there are no significant differences between it and «New Mexico 6 - 4» for heat levels, fruit width, green fruit color, or days to maturity (149 days).
The greatest effects may occur in young people, with no significant differences between income groups.
The cherry on the sundae; comparison of intermittent fasting versus a more traditional eating pattern in healthy participants consuming enough calories to maintain their body weight showed no significant differences in muscle mass between the two groups, even after a 6 month period.
Oddly enough though, there were no significant differences in taste ratings.
But to what extent does it apply to the rest of the primitive church, and were there not, in all probability, significant differences even among the Pauline churches?
Here are some significant differences among sub-groups within the pastors sphere:
But there are families of language - games just as softball, Little League baseball, and professional baseball have similar rules with a few significant differences.
However the author acknowledges that there are deep significant differences between what Mormons believe based on their book of Mormon and what the bible declares.
Even within these agreements, however, we find significant differences.
Robinson in 1964 found no significant differences in the percentage of listeners and non-listeners to religious radio broadcasts in a city with a religious radio station and a similar city without a religious radio station.
(5) Solt, in a study of religious program audience in a New York county, found significant differences occurring at age 44, (6) while Buddenbaum found that frequent viewers of religious television were most likely to be over the age of 62, while those who never watch are more likely to be under age 34.
Rockenstein found that there were significant differences in information acquisition and attitude change between churched children and non-churched children: churched children gained more of the information and accepted more of the attitudes communicated by the televised programs than did the non-churched children.
There are three significant differences between these verses and the typical judgment scene visions of Judaism.
For the umpteenth time it needs to be said that it is a pseudo» pluralism that requires us to pretend that significant differences make no difference.
We noted that while there are significant differences between this approach and the postliberal one, there are also some similarities.
Yet in principle there are significant differences between the neoclassical and communitarian strategies and the dominant psychological model, especially in their view of institutions.
Many research studies have shown that there are significant differences in beliefs and attitudes between Jews, Catholics and Protestants, and even between various Protestant denominations.
This means there are significant differences in the attitudes and values of the viewers of each mainstream.
The significant differences between the spokesmen of the colonies and the majority in the British Parliament, and the debates about them, prepared the way intellectually for the formation of the American union.
As regards their present adjustment, there are no significant differences be tween the groups, and there are as many seriously maladjusted among the normal parentage group as there are among the alcoholic - parentage group.
(I will not attempt to describe in detail the significant differences among the various family therapies.)
I shall do this not because there are not significant differences in the way various New Testament writers interpreted what Christ had accomplished, but because there will not be opportunity to present at all adequately each of these divergent views; and if one must choose, Paul's view is by every criterion the most important.
Anyone who expects to find a group of like - minded Christians with whom they will have no significant differences is yearning for utopia, not Christian community.
Even so, the passage reveals some significant differences from the pure Baal cult.
This resulted in significant differences in said gospels and epistles and with many embellishments to raise Jesus to the level of a deity to compete with Caesar myths.
The Coptic translation remained very close to its Greek original, but there are some significant differences.
There are also other parallels in social, political and cultural areas, just as there are some significant differences.
The authors have significant differences between them, but they share a broad concern from a Whiteheadian perspective.
Significant differences of opinion had already existed in Hinayana as, for example, on the nature of the ego.
Then he says this: «Although there are continuities between the young Neuhaus and the old Neuhaus, there are significant differences
Perhaps we can settle on saying there are significant differences between the young Neuhaus and the mature Neuhaus.
Evangelicals need to take more seriously the significant differences that exist concerning a wide range of theological issues.
Note the significant differences in actual failure rates vs. perfect use failure rates.
Nevertheless, I would press for as much clarity as I can get as to whether there are significant differences here between Honen and Shinran and among the disciples of each.
In any case, we see that there are some significant differences between the idea of just cause in the classic just war tradition and contemporary international law.
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