Sentences with phrase «significant economic advantages»

The $ 856 million TIFIA loan for Westside Subway and other LACMTA projects have helped accelerate infrastructure investment in the region and deliver significant economic advantages.
In part because it is difficult to associate decisions taken during the marriage to particular advantages or disadvantages, and in part because it may be a useful indicator of those advantages and disadvantages, courts have looked to post-separation standards of living and compared it to pre-separation standards of living, with a view to determining whether there has been significant economic advantage or disadvantage as a result of the breakdown of the marriage (see generally W. v. W., 2005 BCSC 1010 at para. 12).

Not exact matches

The CETA will be Europe's first comprehensive economic partnership agreement with a Western developed country, giving Canadian companies a significant «first mover» advantage over their rivals in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Furthermore, CETA is the EU's first comprehensive economic partnership with a Western developed nation, giving Canada a significant «first mover» advantage over the U.S. and other rivals.
Some people start their adult lives with an advantage because of their parents» wealth and maintain that advantage because they are more likely to understand finances, but even controlling for these and all other factors, religion is still a significant factor in economic success.
YouGov also asked about «economic growth», «inflation» and «interest rates» — on economy growth Labour had only a 1 point lead over the Tories, where they have a significant advantage over the Tories is inflation (6 point Labour lead) and interest rates (7 point Labour lead).
As the country expands its scientific endeavors to match its economic prowess, many Chinese nationals are returning home — with a significant number heading to Beijing and Shanghai — to take advantage of ballooning opportunities.
Among the more salient conclusions are: 1) that what children bring to school is vastly more important than what happens thereafter, as the Coleman Report found; 2) in examining all of the variables that impinge on student academic performance (teacher effectiveness, socio - economic advantage, appropriate evaluation criteria, etc.), none is demonstrably more significant than time spent learning «one - on - one»; and 3) that only an individualized computer program can address all these issues effectively and simultaneously.
Economic moat means that a company has a significant competitive advantage compared to its industry peers.
High Yield bonds have a slight advantage over cash and «Economic Stress», in the form of GLD and TLT, is lagging cash by a significant margin.
And so, paying up is often required — well, at least from a traditional value perspective — which, almost inevitably needs to be justified via comprehensive study of the company & its management, its capital allocation, its products & business model, its industry dynamics, and (most of all) whether it enjoys a significant, sustainable & (ideally) an expanding competitive advantage (i.e. an economic moat).
«By any objective analysis, the economic benefits of this legislation far outweigh the costs, and will give Illinois a significant advantage in maintaining competitive electric rates and competition for clean energy jobs,» Joe Dominguez, Exelon's executive vice president for governmental and regulatory affairs and public policy, said in a statement.
The U.S. model provides a blueprint for future energy policy, demonstrating that market - based solutions are the most effective path for achieving success in both energy production and our environmental goals, all while generating economic growth and delivering significant savings that provide relief to household budgets and competitive advantages to businesses.
Implemented strategies for proof of concept and / or production thereby gaining significant competitive and economic advantage for the company.
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