Sentences with phrase «significant funding increases»

In his recent FY2011 budget request, President Obama requested significant funding increases for two of the main programs we have in the fight against malaria: the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
The coalition won significant funding increases in 2005 and 2006 when the Kansas Supreme Court ruled the school finance formula failed to adequately and equitably fund schools.
The regulations may be science - based and well - intentioned, but the fundamental premise that you can improve school food through a litany of rules and mandates WITHOUT significant funding increases is just flawed.
While state universities and public schools have seen significant funding increases in the last two years, Florida's state college system has had less success in securing money in the annual budget process.
The final 2018 budget also included significant funding increases for the Child Care Block Grant and community health centers, as well as an additional four years of reauthorization for the state Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).
And he secured help for Hurricane Sandy victims and significant funding increases for local schools.
«If those reforms are passed, the governor will support a significant funding increase,» Cuomo spokeswoman Melissa DeRosa said in a statement released yesterday afternoon.
If those reforms are passed, the governor will support a significant funding increase,» DeRosa said.
Cuomo took an aggressive position during his budget and policy address Wednesday, threatening to withhold a significant funding increase for schools if lawmakers don't approve his controversial reform proposals, such as an amendment to the state's teacher - evaluation system that would increase the ratings» reliance on standardized testing.
One day before voters decide school budgets across New York state, Schenectady School District officials welcomed elected leaders to Mont Pleasant Middle School to discuss the impact of a significant funding increase.
Mulgrew took time to thank the Council for fighting to prevent teacher layoffs last year, but he challenged the lack of a significant funding increase in the mayor's preliminary budget for next year.
According to language in the new budget proposal, however, WFIRST should instead be canceled because it «was not executable within its previous budget and would have required a significant funding increase in 2019 and future years.»
The budget seeks a significant funding increase and alludes to broader reforms.
These significant funding increases will be a welcome restoration of the recession - era cuts.
With Illinois» out - of - control pension crisis, the Illinois Supreme Court's hostility to pension reforms that include any changes to the future benefits of current workers, and the increasing cost of borrowing due to the state's lowered credit rating, significant funding increases for Illinois» classrooms will be few and far between.
on Governments Commit to Significant Funding Increase and Accelerated Action to Achieve Biodiversity Targets and Sustainable Development
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