Sentences with phrase «significant muscle mass»

Putting on significant muscle mass is very hard for women to do.
I do nt know if its PEDs, but it seems very hard for me to see how anyone can add significant muscle mass and play 82 + games without losing a lot of that mass in the process,... at least not without help.
While it's also possible to gain significant muscle mass with just calisthenics, this is not my main concern.
«A six - pack is the result of having low body fat percentage and significant muscle mass in the abdominals.»
Extreme dieting can remove significant muscle mass, in addition to fat — and this is a negative, because it results in an overall lower metabolic rate.
So, if you're a guy who wants to pack on significant muscle mass, or a woman who wants to improve the appearance of her butt, legs and abs, or you're an athlete who wants to improve overall strength, squats are your best friend.
If you wanted to add significant muscle mass to your frame (man or woman), you'd have to eat a lot more than you do now, train really intense and consistent with heavy resistance and have a tight sleeping schedule to allow for optimal recovery.
If this work makes it into human trials, he notes, two areas to watch will be whether there is any significant muscle mass loss with treatment — because treated animals lost some lean mass alongside their fat — and if the therapy causes any serious side effects such as depression or mood changes, which have been concerns with some other proposed weight - loss products.
But can his techniques work for the «average Joe» trainer, looking put on some significant muscle mass?
Can his techniques work for the «average joe» trainer, looking put on some significant muscle mass?
Time pass by but neither you are able to lift serious weights nor actually gain any significant muscle mass.
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