Sentences with phrase «significant payoff»

Currency hedge funds promise significant payoffs and to this end, they follow market trends through computer algorithms.
But there are steps that prudent policymakers can take to insulate a technology strategy from the greatest risks and to maximize the odds that it will deliver significant payoffs.
A Silent Hill plot should disturb psychologically, but also let the player know it's headed towards a significant payoff.
One significant payoff: students on the traditional side of Northbrook have adopted a new attitude about academic success.
As with cutting expenses, even small amounts of income can have a significant payoff, as any extra income will allow you to lower draws from your savings, making your nest egg last longer.
-LSB-...] felt extremely grindy which most loot shooters tend to be, but The Division fell into that Destiny and Destiny 2 territory where the end game felt like the grind had no significant payoff.
The end game originally felt extremely grindy which most loot shooters tend to be, but The Division fell into that Destiny and Destiny 2 territory where the end game felt like the grind had no significant payoff.
As you've said, regularly reaching out to others (not just on social media) can have significant payoffs.
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