Sentences with phrase «significant screen time»

Sony released the full list of PS4 indie games that it announced at Gamescom, amounting to 14 small titles that got significant screen time at the event in Germany.
Beauvois devotes significant screen time to depict the women furrowing, seeding, harvesting and grinding wheat, with regular D.P. Caroline Champetier (Holy Motors) capturing the pastoral setting in richly composed widescreen.
If Cooper revered Cheyenne culture, he'd have accorded Yellow Hawk's family significant screen time, rather than treating Adam Beach and Q'orianka Kilcher like extras.
Just last year, we saw Creed and Southpaw — both critically acclaimed and featured significant screen time inside the ropes.
Why He's About to Break Out: MacDougall has significant screen time as a boy coping with his single mom's terminal illness by seeking out a tree - dwelling monster (voiced by Liam Neeson).
Where he is the mail villian, he will surely get significant screen time and in the end a Best Actor nod wouldnt be surprising.
Though he doesn't have significant screen time, we are mesmerized by him during his scenes.
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