Sentences with phrase «significant unmet needs»

Dedicated educators tell us that they have significant unmet needs for meaningful data on student learning, and for the ability to interpret these data to make informed instructional decisions that will improve achievement for all students.
The pace of innovation in healthcare has accelerated in the last decade due to demographic changes and significant unmet needs in major disease areas like cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.
Pfizer initiated a Phase 1 clinical study for EOS200271 (NCT02764151) as a single agent in patients with malignant gliomas (brain cancer), an area of significant unmet need, based on brain penetration of the compound.
«As a part of the Nohla team, I look forward to advancing the development of its cell therapy programs for patients with significant unmet needs
«We estimate that approximately four million US adults over the age of 65 suffer daily from nocturnal leg cramps, a condition for which there is significant unmet need since there are no approved treatments,» said study author Rod MacKinnon, MD, Nobel laureate and co-founder of Flex Pharma in Boston.
The commission presented three main findings: «(A) despite sustained efforts to expand the public's access to legal services, significant unmet needs persist; (B) advancements in technology and other innovations continue to change how legal services can be accessed and delivered; and (C) public trust and confidence in obtaining justice and in accessing legal services is compromised by bias, discrimination, complexity, and lack of resources.»
People with psychosocial disability face significant unmet needs related to community services and perceive negative social attitudes as a significant barrier limiting their participation in multiple domains.
It now seems generally accepted that there is significant unmet need for legal services among low and middle class people.
«Current treatments for depression work for many people but there is still a significant unmet need for a large number of patients living with this very challenging condition.»
The firm expects P&T committees to be receptive to LJPC - 501's full data, given the significant unmet need.
Among the nine criteria used to evaluate projects are the location of the development in relation to the municipality's master plan, efforts to advance the creation of walkable neighborhoods, a «significant unmet need» in the community for senior housing, and whether the project will be at least 50 % occupied by seniors with an income at or below 60 % of the median income in Erie County.
«Patients with HR +, HER2 - metastatic breast cancer whose disease have progressed after endocrine therapy have significant unmet needs, and we're pleased with the results of this study that demonstrate the potential for palbociclib as an important treatment option for this patient population.»
The Company's transformative gene repair technology presents a promising opportunity to create novel therapies that address the significant unmet need in the treatment of serious genetic neuromuscular diseases.
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Opportunity: in both our monotherapy single arm Phase 1 and combination randomized Phase 2 studies, we are focusing on two types of sarcoma where we believe there is significant unmet need: synovial sarcoma and Myxoid round cell liposarcoma.
Research attests to significant unmet needs and psychological disturbance, not only for cancer survivors but also their support persons.
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