Sentences with phrase «significant vote»

Despite its sudden change of course and failure to go private after months of searching for a buyer, BlackBerry touted today's news as a «significant vote of confidence.»
If you're astute to NYC borough politics, you'll note Sampson's also got both Queens and Brooklyn on his side (remember that he already replaced Sen. Jeff Klein with Sen. Mike Gianaris as head of the DSCC)-- two significant voting blocs should he try to return to the majority leader's post some day.
«My vote is probably the most significant vote on this issue, because how I vote will send a message down the line.»
In his 2009 primary against another South Buffalonian, Michael P. Kearns, Brown garnered significant votes in primarily white Council districts.
The WFP gets its own line in a prime place on a New York state ballot, and if they'd put another candidate on it, that would have siphoned away significant votes from Cuomo in the general.
But at the General Election they gained significant votes but failed to make a Parliamentary breakthrough.
Oddly, the press release announcing this decision makes no mention of McDonald's most significant vote that imperiled his standing with the Conservative Party — his «yes» on same - sex marriage.
Beyond the designated nine categories in the New Products Showcase, this product garnered significant votes from buyers overall, and trade show officials felt it deserving of recognition.
He emphasized that an NPP under him in the region, will ensure that financial resources are made available to help the region to secure significant votes at the next polls.
The SEC filing specified that «if Mr. Spiegel's or Mr. Murphy's employment with us is terminated, they will continue to have the ability to exercise the same significant voting power and potentially control the outcome of all matters submitted to our stockholders for approval.»
Where our funds, either alone or as part of a consortium, are not the controlling investor, we typically, subject to applicable regulatory requirements, acquire significant voting and other rights with a view to securing influence over conduct of the business.
Talk of a potential merger arose following significant vote - splitting in the Oct. 27 by - elections.
Mr. Kessler's remuneration has consistently exceeded peers, and both his payments and the company's broader remuneration policy received significant voting opposition at last year's AGM — but the board has not made any material changes, or even acknowledged these concerns.
Arlington Downs, a $ 250 million mixed - used redevelopment of the 25 - acre site at the northeast corner of Euclid Avenue and Rohlwing Road, received unanimous approval Monday on what is expected to be the final significant vote on the projects.
Also waiting in the wings with potentially significant vote share are telecoms tycoon Benoni Urey and former central bank governor Mills Jones.
Eight days are all that separate political junkies from the first significant vote of the 2007 - 2008 election cycle.
This ability to work together, along with a number of other significant votes, clearly demonstrates that government, despite party affiliations, can work together to do what's best for the community.
But even more than voting to the beat of his own drummer, Amash is the first member of Congress to explain his votes on Facebook — something that became particularly important when he voted «present» (an unusual move for a member of Congress) on five significant votes last week.
Local governments meet throughout the year, and the contentious environment in Washington has resulted in several significant votes held during traditional holiday periods.
Such a candidacy could siphon off significant votes from Brown's African - American base and provide at least an opening for Schroeder.
«Our management team welcomes this significant vote of confidence from Mark in the work we've done turning around the company to - date, as well as the progress we're making in our growth strategy,» the company said in a shareholder letter.
The Berkeley ICO came one step closer to becoming a reality this week, earning a significant vote of approval from the local city council.
The founder was ousted as CEO in June, but he still sits on the board and owns a significant voting stake in the company.
Because the SEC's rules for resubmission of a failed proposal by a shareholder in the next year's proxy statement require that the proposal have received up to 10 % of the vote (depending on how many years it has been submitted), the significant voting impact of an ISS recommendation can empower a proponent to resubmit a proposal year after year, imposing costs on the company and creating waste and negative publicity to the detriment of the company and its shareholders.
Our capital markets division — which is our largest U.S. business — was named as a primary dealer in the U.S. by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a significant vote of confidence in the health of our U.S. fixed income trading business and additional muscle to what is a leading global platform.
That's 118 per cent of the 2017 total amount, which is a significant vote of confidence in initial coin offerings at a time when enthusiasm may have been waning.
The upshot: Instead of many legislators having to heed the significant minorities in their districts, there is a handful of minority legislators too small in number to be a significant voting bloc.
The Mayor should also point out how poorly NY State has handled the East Ramapo mess — avoiding taking on the fraudulent practices of a Board of Education that represents a significant voting block.
«I actually believe I will get a significant vote on the East Side,» he said.
Governor Andrew Cuomo's prediction that there is insufficient political will at the New York State Legislature to pass any significant voting reform measures this year may be coming to fruition.
He says since 1973 the UK has never lost a significant vote on financial services.
But charter parents do not constitute a significant voting bloc, and turnout is often low among charter families, leaving observers to wonder whether she can cultivate a base of support outside the reform movement.
«When we're talking about transport of energy, this is another reason why supporting the Keystone Pipeline was such a significant vote.
Environmentalists in New York are a significant voting block with a history of being active at the polls, said Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the environmental activist and founder of the Pace Environmental Law Center.
There is little chance of this succeeding, as the Liberal Democrats, Labour and pro-European Tories oppose it, but a significant vote in favour would be an embarrassment for the prime minister.
Though lagging far behind the 71 percent of Americans who identified as Christian in the Pew poll, they are still a significant voting block, far larger than Jews (4.7 million), Muslims (2.2 million) and Buddhists (1.7 million) combined (8.6 million) and comparable to politically powerful Christian sects such as Evangelical (25.4 percent) and Catholic (20.8 percent).
But charter parents do not constitute a significant voting bloc, and turnout is often low among charter families, leaving observers to wonder whether she can cultivate a base of support outside the reform movement.
But while the measures adopted here may have scant near - term impact on the warming of the planet, the international process for dealing with the issue got a significant vote of confidence.
This, of course won't be his major imperative, but converting «believers is likely to gain him significant votes, and if he can attribute the abandonment of the Paris treaty to increased prosperity, even more votes.
The lawyers involved had won a significant voting rights case, and they sought $ 445,000.
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