Sentences with phrase «significantly higher antioxidant»

Many studies have shown that eating whole cranberries rather than liquid or supplement forms offer significantly higher antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.
The organic strawberries had significantly higher antioxidant activity and concentrations of ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds.

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Well, not quite... Superfoods are just that - foods that contain significantly higher quantities of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other health - boosting, anti-aging, disease - fighting goodies.
They soon discovered that the one characteristic that could be measured, and that was significantly higher in virgin coconut oils than RBD refined coconut oils, was the level of antioxidants.
Taken together, these studies «suggest that a switch to organic fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products would provide significantly higher amounts of dietary antioxidants and omega - 3 fatty acids,» he added.»
Taken together, the three studies on crops, meat and milk suggest that a switch to organic fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products would provide significantly higher amounts of dietary antioxidants and omega - 3 fatty acids,» concludes Professor Leifert.
Raspberries • The metabolism in our fat cells can be increased by the phytonutrients found in raspberries • Recent research shows that organic raspberries are significantly higher in total antioxidant capacity than non organic.
Women with the highest levels of dietary total antioxidant capacity with no cardiovascular disease had a significantly 17 % lower total stroke risk in comparison to women in the lowest quintile.
They soon discovered that the one characteristic that could be measured, and that was significantly higher in virgin coconut oils than RBD refined coconut oils, was the level of antioxidants.
Red raspberries have significantly high levels of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, including anthocyanins (contained in their red pigments), ellagic acid, quercetin and other flavonoids.
Synergistic enhancement of the anti-cancer effects of naringenin can be obtained by combining it with either curcumin83 or vitamin E, 84 and one study reports that nano - encapsulated naringenin exhibits «significantly higher» antioxidant and anticancer properties than naringenin in free form.86
Almonds are among the less caloric nuts and show high levels of protein as well as antioxidants, especially vitamin E. Because of their unique composition, almonds are likely to significantly reduce cardiovascular and diabetes risks, such as being overweight, glucose homeostasis, inflammation, and oxidative stress.
Another study observed that various sprouted legume seeds significantly increased antioxidant levels «and improved free radical scavenging..., anticancer, and ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) activities, showing higher contents and activities in sprouts than in seeds.
While antioxidant effects due to the presence of procyanidin C1 compounds can still be detected in cacao products, the study showed that raw cacao beans possess a higher amount of beneficial compounds, many of which are significantly transformed or reduced in potency during the fermentation and roasting processes.
They found that the virgin coconut oil had a higher antioxidant capacity than oil that had been significantly processed.
Results from this study showed that blueberries grown organically had a significantly higher sugar content (fructose and glucose), malic acid, total phenolics, total anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity (ORAC) than fruit grown conventionally.
Congeners, which are found in especially high amounts in dark colored liquors like brandy, wine, dark tequila, and whiskey are comprised of free radicals and positively charged molecules that can significantly disrupt your acid - alkaline (pH) balance and increase your body's need to step up antioxidant activity to scavenge all those free radicals.
Likewise, the diet also significantly affects muscles — eating more vegetables and fruits high in antioxidants, and high quality protein foods can help maintain muscle mass during aging.
One study found that vitamin E was significantly depleted using conditions designed to replicate use for deep frying, and another study found that production of a toxic volatile compound called acrolein by canola oil at 180 °C was found to be around five times higher than acrolein production by either extra virgin olive oil or olive oil, most probably due to the high ALA content of canola oil and fewer antioxidants than olive oil.
And, as scientists continue to search for more effective methods of prevention and treatment, a new study reveals that a diet of foods high in antioxidants — such as fresh fruit, vegetables and teas — significantly lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes.
High - antioxidant fruits and vegetables, such as berries and greens, have been found to douse systemic inflammation significantly better than the same number of servings of more common low - antioxidant fruits and veggies, such as bananas and lettuce.
Specific antioxidants were also analysed; caffeic, p - coumaric and ferulic acids and the total radical - trapping antioxidative potential (TRAP) were significantly higher in apples compared to peaches and pears.
Flaxseeds turn out to be significantly higher in polyphenol antioxidants than fruits like blueberries or vegetables like olives.
This study also found that organic raspberries are significantly higher in the antioxidants that treat acne.
Taken together, the three studies on crops, meat and milk suggest that a switch to organic fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products would provide significantly higher amounts of dietary antioxidants and omega - 3 fatty acids.»
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