Sentences with phrase «significantly less parent»

Further, in a study evaluating a parent — adolescent teamwork approach to diabetes management, adolescents in the intervention group reported significantly less parent — child conflict related to diabetes management [measured by the Diabetes Family Behavior Checklist (DFBC)-RSB- and were in better metabolic control (Anderson, Ho, Brackett, & Laffel, 1999).
Parents experienced significantly less parenting stress after 6 months when therapists had higher levels of Process skills.

Not exact matches

When the authors reviewed reports of respondents» parental disciplinary styles, they found: 1) Significantly fewer rescuers recalled any controls imposed upon them; 2) Parents of rescuers depended significantly less on physical punishment and significantly more Significantly fewer rescuers recalled any controls imposed upon them; 2) Parents of rescuers depended significantly less on physical punishment and significantly more significantly less on physical punishment and significantly more significantly more on reasoning.
But compared to the population at large, members of mainline churches were significantly less likely to be single parents age 40 and under, young single adults or married couples without children.
Since young fathers are less likely to have broad experience in caring for or being with young children, their needs will often differ significantly from the needs of young mothers with respect to parent education and support (Lero, 2008).
British children were twice as likely as the average to have been drunk by the age of 15, and significantly less likely to be in two parent families than those elsewhere, were more likely to have tried drugs and had one of the worst diets in the developed world.
Recently, as I searched for some long term evidence of the benefits of parent - infant co-sleeping, I came across a study of college age subjects which found that males who had co-slept with their parents between birth and five years not only had significantly higher self esteem, they experienced less guilt and anxiety and reported greater frequency of sex.
In a multivariate analysis controlling for maternal age, lone parent status, income quintile, parity or use of any substances (illicit drugs, alcohol or tobacco), women who intended to have home births were significantly less likely to be exposed to induction or augmentation of labour, epidural analgesia, episiotomy or cesarean section (Table 3).
However, the offspring of these adults, when reared in hypoxic conditions showed less ability to regulate their oxygen uptake and were significantly smaller than those of normoxic parents, potentially because they were having to expend more energy simply to survive in those conditions.
In a double - blind study of infants, supplementation of a standard milk - based formula with probiotic organisms (Bifidobacterium lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus) significantly reduced the frequency of colic, compared with the same formula minus the probiotics.13 Similarly, another study found that after a month of administering probiotic oil drops with Reuteri bacteria, parents reported significantly less screaming in their children.14 Support of intestinal microflora is a core concept in the Wise Traditions diet.
Less prominently marketed but perhaps more significantly cast are Roger Corman and his wife Julie as the proud, aloof parents of the gangly runaway would - be father.
Indeed, the study shows that the percent proficient among U.S. students whose parents are college - educated or who are white is significantly less than the percent proficient among all students in countries such as Korea, Singapore, and Finland.
Risks Seen for Children of Illegal Immigrants The New York Times, September 20, 2011 «The Harvard study reports that «fear and vigilance» guide the home lives of young children whose parents are illegal immigrants, making the parents significantly less likely to engage with teachers or be active in schools.»
But autonomy granting, which, research shows, is used much less by black parents, is significantly related to kids» developing aspirations and planfulness.
Black parents were significantly less likely than parents of other ethnicities to believe that teachers respected their child or that teachers in their child's school were fair.
While the majority of freshly - licensed drivers will have no option but to select a car that is very definitely «used», some buyers (or their parents) will commit large chunks of cash to the belief that a brand new car will provide greater security and be significantly less expensive to run than a used one.
When you are a family, I don't think any parent can work significantly less than the other, with work being everything which needs to be done for the family as a whole.
My parents are going through this right now, and are less than pleased at seeing their nest - egg trimmed significantly.
You will make a little less per unit BUT your audience grows significantly because now you can have college students, single parents, older folks, etc. all able to afford your rental units AND instead of capturing one $ 1,000 - $ 1,500 a month payments, you can probably charge $ 700 a month per unit (or more, depending on the market) and build maybe 3, 4, 5, 10 units for the price of a home or two and now you're making something like $ 2,100 - $ 10,000 a month.
While finishing college with a substantial amount of debt is definitely less than an optimum solution, young people have decades to overcome their debt while the parents have significantly less time to replenish their retirement funds.
The High Court judge, Mr Justice Francis, said that Parliament can not have intended for legal aid not to be available in such cases: «However, it does seem to me that when Parliament changed the law in relation to legal aid and significantly restricted the availability of legal aid, yet continued to make legal aid available in care cases where the state is seeking orders against parents, it can not have intended that parents in the position that these parents have been in should have no access to legal advice or representation... I am aware that there are many parents around the country in similar positions where their cases have been less public and where they have had to struggle to represent themselves.
whether the non-custodial parent's income is significantly less than the custodial parent's income (making the guidelines impractical)
According to the DMV, teens who take drivers education courses are significantly less likely to be the cause of a crash while driving compared to teens who have not taken courses, which can make you, as the parent, feel more at ease with your teen's safety habits while on the road.
Within the prevention subgroup, mothers in the intervention showed significantly less physical aggression and harsh parenting toward their children.
Most notably, home - visited families participating in Early Head Start reported experiencing significantly less stress in their parenting roles than did control families.95 The same pattern occurred in Queensland: mothers who received home - visiting services reported less stress in the parenting role than did mothers in the control group.96 Healthy Families programs in Alaska, San Diego, and Hawaii also examined parenting stress in their evaluations.
When children reach school age, they have significantly more autonomy and greatly increased cognitive, emotional, and time - keeping abilities, so the duration of separations from both parents becomes less critical.
Children of divorced parents who are separated from one parent due to the custodial or non-custodial parent moving beyond an hour's drive from the other parent are significantly less well off on many child mental and physical health measures compared to those children whose parents don't relocate after divorce, according to new research.
There was one negative finding: children in stepfamilies and single - parent families were significantly less likely to receive paracetamol / Calpol than children in intact or nonstepfamilies.
They found that parents who were more educated reported significantly higher levels of stress compared to other parents who were less educated.
Specifically, children were reported as engaging significantly less intensely in significantly fewer difficult behaviours following parent and carer training.
If a child is to be with one parent significantly more of the time than with the other parent (for example, when the two parents live a considerable distance from one another), I suggest replacing the traditional term of «custodial parent» with the less emotionally charged concept of «the child's primary residence» and «the child's secondary residence.»
In the long term, those participating children are more likely to be employed and less likely to be dependent on government assistance.9 The positive effects are larger, and more likely to be sustained, when programs are high quality.10 In addition, the impact is greatest for children from low - income families.11 Differences in children's cognitive abilities by income are evident at only nine months old and significantly widen by the time children are two years old.12 Children living in poverty are more likely to be subject to stressful home environments — which can have lifelong impacts on learning, cognition, and self - regulation — while parents living in poverty have limited resources to provide for their families and high barriers to accessing affordable, high - quality child care.13 High - quality early learning programs staffed by warm and responsive adults can help mitigate these effects, offering a safe and predictable learning environment that fosters children's development.14
Specifically designed to meet the changing needs in clinical practice today, the Parent Project ® is a short - term psycho educational program that significantly improves treatment outcomes, increases your visibility in the community, generates more referrals and receivables, makes your practice less dependent on managed care and exposes your agency or practice to an ever - increasing client base.
It is only logical that governments would offer or support programs of equitable, case - specific assistance and support to all families who care for children brought into government custody, yet adoptive families often receive significantly less financial aid and fewer services than foster parents.
Results indicate that treatment nonresponse was significantly associated with higher baseline levels of global functioning (i.e., less impairment) and lower levels of stress, trauma history in children and Cluster B personality disorder symptoms in parents.
Early Head Start parents were more emotionally supportive of their children and less detached than control group parents, as well as significantly more supportive of language and learning.
Results indicate participants in the 1 -2-3 Magic group reported significantly less problem behaviors for their children, and significantly less dysfunctional parenting, at the end of the intervention when compared to the control group.
Child support will be required by the parent who gets primary physical custody, while spousal support may be needed if one spouse earns significantly less than the other.
He also reported that parents completing the course were also significantly less likely to yell at [their] children and less likely to act in an autocratic manner.
The outcome measures showed that parents of students in the experimental group rated their children as exhibiting significantly less anxiety / depression problems compared to ratings from parents of control group students.
Low parent - child social interaction was less important, being significantly, but only very weakly, associated with conduct problems and hyperactivity.
Recent substance use was significantly associated with less closeness with parents, high levels of academic motivation, high levels of perceived stress, and emotion - focused external avoidance coping.
However, the reform significantly improved the scores of the students whose parents had less than high - school education.
Results showed both parents and non-parents receiving P.E.T. expressed significantly less authoritarian attitudes, while in the book - reading group only parents showed a comparable significant change.
A significant portion of the parents rated their stress and depression as significantly improved and began to see their children as less difficult.
Parents and children reported significant pretreatment to posttreatment reductions in the use of physical punishment, as well as significantly decreased symptoms of depression among parents, less use of violent parenting strategies and decreased inconsistent parParents and children reported significant pretreatment to posttreatment reductions in the use of physical punishment, as well as significantly decreased symptoms of depression among parents, less use of violent parenting strategies and decreased inconsistent parparents, less use of violent parenting strategies and decreased inconsistent parenting.
Children also reported that parents used significantly less violence and increased positive parenting strategies after completion of the treatment.
As professionals concluding your divorce or parenting matter in the mediation process, the total costs of your divorce mediated with our assistance will almost certainly be significantly less than if you choose the ordinary, contested, litigation approach to divorce.
Controlling for the unique content of the other four EBTs, the amount of AF - CBT Abuse - specific content delivered was significantly related to improvements on standardized parent rating scales (i.e., child externalizing behavior, anger, anxiety, social competence) and both parent and clinician ratings of the child's adjustment at discharge (i.e., child more safe, less scared / sad, more appropriate and respectful of privacy with peers).
As a married mom, my parenting experience is significantly less stressful than my mom's.
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