Sentences with phrase «significantly outperform»

Studies show that sellers who challenge their clients» thinking and bring fresh insights significantly outperform their colleagues.
The K6 scale has been shown to significantly outperform the widely used 12 - question General Health Questionnaire (GHQ - 12) in screening for International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD - 10) disorders, even though the GHQ - 12 has twice as many questions as the K6 scale.10
Based on testing, the Verizon iPhone 7 should significantly outperform the AT&T iPhone 7, but instead, the two devices perform similarly with the Verizon iPhone 7 displaying only a slight edge.
So while it's difficult to quote a precise number beforehand telling you how much you'll save in a given case by using TAR 2.0 and CAL, we can show that for any given case it will significantly outperform any alternatives.
Indeed, our own study shows ridge to outperform TTLS (and to significantly outperform the S09 implementation of TTLS), providing additional confirmation that any general claims of increased TTLS accuracy over ridge is rather suspect.
Over time, these indexes can significantly outperform active managers, market cap - weighted indexes, equally - weighted indexes, and fundamentally - weighted indexes.
1) Active Share predicts fund performance: funds with the highest Active Share significantly outperform their benchmarks, both before and after expenses, and they exhibit strong performance persistence.
Sometimes a manager or a strategy can significantly outperform the market for a sustained period.
Studies have consistently shown that dividend - paying stocks significantly outperform nondividend - paying stocks during bear market periods.
No matter which option you choose, you're making a great investment decision that is likely to significantly outperform these fancy pants, hotshot stock traders.
Because if most short term fluctuations are random, then it's very hard to significantly outperform 0 % a year!
As a member of the investment committee, he helped the firm's Asia - focused equity funds significantly outperform the benchmark index.
With less trading liquidity, small cap stocks can significantly outperform or underperform large cap stocks in different market environments.
Complex strategies do not significantly outperform simpler ones, such as equal - weighting or a 60 % stocks / 40 % bond mix.
Portfolio Strategies The Advantages of Simple Allocation Strategies Complex strategies do not significantly outperform simpler ones, such as equal - weighting or a 60 % stocks / 40 % bond mix.
Only in a couple of years in the nine - year analysis interval did the fund significantly outperform this portfolio.
The Kindle Fire HD and Nexus 7 significantly outperform the new iPad with much lower Reflectance.
There are some genres that significantly outperform others, and it is important that authors in pursuit of self - publishing their books using tools like
As a direct result of our use of premium parts, our expert tuning, and our care and craftsmanship, Velocity Micro PCs significantly outperform similarly configured systems from Dell and HP.
The Kindle Fire HD and Nexus 7 significantly outperform the iPad mini with much lower Reflectance.
It is clear that choice schools and public charters significantly outperform traditional public schools when poverty levels and race is considered.
For Aspire only 3 of their 12 schools significantly outperform their local school in Math.
Alliance schools significantly outperform traditional public schools in preparing students to enter and succeed in college by sharing an educational model based on:
When Nauiokas created Haven, she knew its students would need a nurturing school environment, but she placed equal focus on academics: Today, Haven students significantly outperform their peers citywide on state reading and math tests.
2) Regularly certified teachers «significantly outperform» TFA teachers in the first two or three years of their careers.
A Century Foundation study, «Housing Policy Is School Policy,» found that low - income students in Montgomery County who attend schools with low levels of poverty significantly outperform low - income students who attend schools with high poverty rates.
A strict focus on test preparation and behavior has helped the network, which serves mostly low - income and black and Hispanic students, to significantly outperform the city's public school students on state reading and math tests; however, critics charge that student attrition skews the results (2015).
Citywide, Newark students significantly outperform comparable students in Washington, D.C., and the average for all students in New Mexico and Illinois (in reading).
Charter School Demand and Effectiveness: Understanding Boston A new report by researchers from the School Effectiveness and Inequality Initiative at M.I.T. has found that Boston charter school students continue to significantly outperform Boston Public Schools students across the middle and high school grades on the MCAS.
For all the knocks on Michigan chartering, research has indicated that Michigan charters, specifically charters in Detroit, significantly outperform traditional public schools.
Summer - born pupils who start reception after turning five do not significantly outperform those pupils who start aged four.
Detroit's charter schools significantly outperform Detroit's district school sector even when selective - admissions magnet schools are included, and even more significantly when they are excluded.
Performance levels among the countries ranked 23rd to 31st are not significantly different from that of the U.S. in a statistical sense, yet 22 countries do significantly outperform the United States in the share of students reaching the proficiency level in math.
The new system developed at Birmingham was found to significantly outperform the other two methods.
If Clegg manages to significantly outperform the worst predictions for the party's general election performance, he may in the process be able to redeem his own performance in government and his project of pulling the party centrewards.
I am a believer in the power of disruptive innovation, and that individual investors can significantly outperform the market over long periods of time.
Value strategies that buy (sell) cheap (expensive) firms from groups matched on the quality dimension significantly outperform value strategies formed solely on the basis of valuations.
By just buying the cheapest stocks, you can significantly outperform over the long term (much easier said than done).
Foreign investors significantly outperform a fully - hedged GEM model when their local currency falls relative to USD.
He is the editor of several investing newsletters with the central belief that «a disciplined quantitative analysis system can discover stocks that should significantly outperform the overall market over the long term.»
They use False Discovery Rate (FDR) to control for data snooping bias, such that 90 % of the equally weighted best rules in FDR - corrected portfolios significantly outperform the benchmark.
It also has the potential to significantly outperform gold during a bull run.
«Within 18 months we expect TV will significantly outperform the music side (of the business) and that's part of this investment,» Andrew Fisher, executive chairman of Shazam, said in an interview.
Shareholder returns at family - controlled corporations significantly outperform those of widely held public companies, even though family - controlled boards tend to break governance rules, such as having a certain number of independent directors.
A group of 30 Western Australian stocks selected by Business News has significantly outperformed the ASX200 in the March quarter, indicating stock investors are optimistic about the state's economic future.
Unlike Khan, who significantly outperformed the Labour party in his own constituency during the mayoral election, Goldsmith did only about as well as a generic Conservative candidate.
Since inception, the fund has significantly outperformed Bitcoin, delivering a 43.4 % return against 13.9 % for Bitcoin through April 29, 2018.
They significantly outperformed US and other advanced markets.
As you can see below, the disciplined investor significantly outperformed the more aggressive investor who pulled back his equity exposure radically as the market fell.
Now Buffett, as someone who over the course of his investing career has significantly outperformed the S&P 500, knows that it is not an entirely futile effort for those who enter the field.
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