Sentences with phrase «signs in poor lighting»

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There are also dozens of «self - publishing» companies that do not represent themselves or their services in a clear or honest light, and after signing with these companies, many authors pay the price of poor design, distribution, customer support, and exposure.
If your dog is showing any signs of poor eyesight, or if his pupils don't seem to react normally to changes in light, these are good reasons to have him checked over by a vet.
The affected dogs start to show clinical signs of the disease and poor vision in dim light between 4 and 6 years of age.
Similar to signs observed by owners of Alaskan Malamutes, Australian Shepherds or German Shorthaired Pointers affected with Cone Degeneration or Labrador Retrievers with Achromatopsia and German Shepherds caused by other mutations, Standard Poodle puppies with the DB / RD form of day blindness manifest signs of poor vision in bright light but initially retain normal vision in low light levels.
Because PRA makes rods die, and rods are responsible for vision in dim light («night vision»), the first clinical signs that the owner often notices are night - blindness (poor vision in dim light) and that the pupils are dilated; owners often notice a «glow» and increased «eye shine» from the eyes.
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