Sentences with phrase «signs life of copyright»

No bestseller (unless they have a lawyer dumber than a post) signs life of copyright contracts.

Not exact matches

You sign a contract saying life of copyright, that is what it is going to be, unless you are prepared to pay at least a commercial value and probably more.
You sign a modern traditional contract as a beginning writer or low - level midlist writer, you must trust the publisher, a large corporation, to watch out for your interests for the life of your copyright.
On a standard traditional publishing contract these days (in the States), you are signing over the rights in the contract for «the life of the copyright
But I find it hard to stop the long list of warnings that I would want them to be aware of so they don't sign their copyrights away for the life of their book, simply to get published.
Then, assuming you get find an agent and come to an agreement, you have just signed away something in the area of 15 % of all your earnings, plus expenses, to someone and often for the life of your work's copyright.
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