Sentences with phrase «signs of dental problems»

Cleaning your dog's teeth frequently and watching for signs of dental problems are simple steps you can take to keep your dog healthy.
Are there signs of dental problems you can look for in your dog's mouth?
Halitosis, or bad breath, is often the first sign of a dental problem in pets.
If so, your Schnauzer is showing signs of dental problems developing.
Bad breath and / or reddened gums are the most common signs of dental problems.
In addition to bad breath, any of the following can be noticeable signs of dental problems: excessive drooling, change in eating habits, loss of appetite or weight loss, sensitivity or bleeding around the mouth area, facial swelling, yellow - brown crust of tarter around gum line, or missing, loose, or broken teeth.
Other signs of dental problems in your cat are discolored, red, or swollen gums, ulcers on the gums or tongue, loose teeth, excessive drooling, or constant pawing at the mouth area.
Keep in mind that cats from hoarding situations and those living in large colony settings long - term are at greater risk and should be monitored regularly for signs of dental problems.
Medical Treatment Dentistry: As a pet owner, you would not typically look into your pet's mouth to check if everything was okay unless you saw any signs of dental problems.
Katherine E. Queck, DVM, a fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry in Charlotte, N.C., says that all of these may be signs of dental problems.
As pet lovers, we can all take steps to better recognize the causes and signs of dental problems and learn how to help prevent them.
Some signs of dental problems include: bad breath, teeth that are discolored or covered in tartar, abnormal chewing, drooling, or dropping food from the mouth, reduced appetite or refusal to eat, pain...
As a pet owner, you would not typically look into your pet's mouth to check if everything was okay unless you saw any signs of dental problems.
Unfortunately, signs of dental problems are often subtle, and these problems may go undetected for months or even years.
Some signs of dental problems include: bad breath, teeth that are discolored or covered in tartar, abnormal chewing, drooling, or dropping food from the mouth, reduced appetite or refusal to eat, pain in or around the mouth, and bleeding or swelling around the mouth.
We may also recommend dental x-rays should we feel that they may be needed to further examine the teeth and oral structures for any signs of dental problems.
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