Sentences with phrase «signs of depression compared»

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More specifically, compared with women with no early neonatal signs of breastfeeding difficulty, we found that women who had negative feelings about breastfeeding and reported severe pain while nursing soon after birth were more likely to experience postpartum depression at 2 months.
The team then compared the scores with how the same soldiers fared on a postduty comprehensive health assessment that also looked for signs of PTSD and depression.
Treatment would look very different for a person whose psychotic experiences were linked to depression or anxiety disorders or were the one - time result of acute stress, compared with a person who is showing the first signs of schizophrenia.
Three studies that explored symptoms of emotional disorders found that these were higher in children of parents with BPD compared with control groups: Barnow et al compared children aged 11 — 18 years of mothers with BPD with children of mothers with depression, and mothers with other personality disorders, and found the children of mothers with BPD to have signs of higher levels of emotional disorder and of suicidal ideation.21 Indeed, 9 % of children whose mothers had BPD had already attempted suicide, compared with 2 % of children of healthy mothers.
But what is the difference between symptoms that may arise in response to situational stress compared to signs of serious depression.
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