Sentences with phrase «signs of infection while»

Usually, Tiffany would simply be observed for signs of infection while she was in the ICU.
If your baby shows signs of infection while the burn is healing, take him to the doctor.

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Still, it's important to know the signs of an infection and be on the lookout for them while you nurse.
While most premenstrual breast pain and swelling is harmless, these symptoms could be warning signs of infection or other medical conditions.
If the clamp is still attached, Ms Wee advises that you gently lift it and «clean around the base of the cord and from the base upwards,» while keeping an eye out for a foul smell, pus or redness around the base, which could be signs of infection *.
While emptying the affected breast can help with mastitis, antibiotics are your best line of defense if symptoms last for more than 12 to 24 hours, one sign your mastitis is caused by a bacterial infection and won't clear up on its own.
Sharp crying while lying down that stops when he is picked up, or rubbing or pulling at an ear, can be signs of an ear infection.
Some warning signs of aspiration and swallowing difficulties include: increased and excessive congestion and coughing, wet sounds with breathing, signs of discomfort with feeding, refusal to eat, choking during feedings, turning blue around the lips while feeding, watering eyes with a red face during feeding, and / or frequent infections like pneumonia.
Diarrhea can be a sign of an infection or allergy, and if it lasts for a while without being treated, can lead to dehydration.
Most people show no signs or symptoms of infection, while others develop such symptoms as a fever, sore throat and fatigue.
The solution, developed by Haselton and colleagues at Vanderbilt University, was the extractionator, a tool that keeps body fluids sterile while tiny magnets extract disease biomarkers, like proteins or bits of DNA, that can be the telltale sign of an infection.
A survey of wild juvenile lobsters in the Florida Keys revealed that lobsters with signs of infection rarely had a «roommate» — 93 % were solitary, while only 44 % of healthy lobsters had a den to themselves.
Because dogs can mask signs of infection, it is important to see your veterinarian every six months while he / she is taking Apoquel.
Low - grade urinary tract infections and bladder stones can cause discomfort and dogs can go a while with these issues and not show signs of sickness that we easily recognize.
Some pets have no signs of infection, while others show the typical symptoms of loss of hair, rash, and crusty or scaly skin.
Some irritation is minor and can be handled at home with relative ease while some irritation is severe and can be a sign of infection.
While fever may be the earliest sign of canine distemper infection, presenting as early as 3 to 6 days after exposure, it is not a very definitive sign of distemper infection since there are myriad reasons for fever in dogs.
While there is currently no known risk of pets contracting or showing signs of Powassan viral infection, these developments in parasitology make it even more important for animal guardians to protect pets from prolonged contact with ticks.
While pawing at the ear and shaking of the head are usually signs your cat may have an ear infection, there are a few other symptoms that should raise concern:
As far as signs of infection go, pets can have absolutely no signs while initial infection and damage is being caused.
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