Sentences with phrase «signs of labored breathing»

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Topics include physical and emotional preparation for birth, the signs and stages of labor and birth, relaxation and breathing techniques, and what to expect during your hospital stay.
Topics include physical and emotional preparation for birth, the signs and stages of labor and birth, relaxation and breathing techniques, medical interventions, and what to expect during your hospital stay.
On the afternoon of his admission to the hospital, his breathing had become labored, and when a blood - gas analysis revealed signs of respiratory failure, he was transferred to the icu, where he was intubated and placed on a ventilator.
Other associated signs may include sneezing, coughing, nose excoriation, lethargy, inappetance (not eating), facial swelling, tearing and / or other kinds of discharge, conjunctivitis, head tilt, unkempt coat, stained forearms and difficulty in breathing / labored breathing.
As valvular leakage becomes more severe and the heart enlarges, symptoms may include signs of congestive heart failure (exercise intolerance, weakness, difficulty or labored breathing, coughing) or fainting with exertion.
Clinical signs of a pasteurella infection may include: discharges around the eyes, nose or anal area, loss of appetite, depression, diarrhea, head tilt, loss of balance, lumps / bumps under the skin or labored breathing.
Other signs your dog may have pneumonia include discharge produced by coughing, fever, loss of appetite, lethargy, labored or rapid breathing or blue gums.
Others may show signs of congestive heart failure, including labored or rapid breathing, open - mouthed breathing, and lethargy.
Other signs include excessive drooling, restlessness or pacing, fast heart rate, indications of abdominal pain — whining or groaning when pressure is applied to the belly, cold and pale gums, biting at stomach, and labored breathing.
Weight loss, anemia, lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, labored breathing, and coughing are all common signs, but any one cat is unlikely to experience all of these symptoms.
The most common signs of an allergic reaction can include hives, labored breathing, swelling in the throat, and swelling of the face.
Signs of heartworm disease include coughing, swelling, labored breathing, exercise intolerance and fainting.
Signs of this disease are labored breathing, rapid heart rate, heart murmurs, weakness, collapse and death.
Look for signs of heavily labored breathing, panting, and persistent breathing through the mouth and not the nose.
The signs of overheating are increased panting, labored breathing, «honking» panting, sometimes salivation, weakness, and collapse.
Signs of a respiratory infection include sneezing, discharge from the eyes or nose, wheezing, and labored breathing.
Difficulty breathing is a sign of a labored respiratory system.
Once mature, the adult heartworm can reach a length of 6 - 18 inches.Pets with heartworm disease can be completely free of symptoms, or can show one or more signs such as coughing, weakness, listlessness, labored breathing, or weight loss.
Other signs of a medical problem include weight loss, weight gain, a change in the consistency, frequency, or color of droppings as well as sneezing, coughing, blocked nostrils, labored breathing, and a crusty beak or eyes.
Later signs include the classic signs of shock: white gums and tongue, rapid heart rate, rapid and labored breathing, weakness, and collapse.
Indeed this does happen in some dogs, though most infected dogs develop the less dramatic signs of congestive heart failure: weight loss, coughing (especially after exercise), labored breathing, fainting spells and so forth.
Signs of systemic involvement may include: loss of appetite, vomiting, bloody vomit, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dark or black feces, itchiness, lethargy, anorexia, irregular heart rhythm and blood pressure, coughing, labored breathing, various bleeding disorders, delayed wound healing, enlarged lymph nodes.
Look For Symptoms Excessive drooling or difficulty eating are symptoms of oral cancer, while labored breathing is a sign of lung cancer.
Clinical signs of feline asthma include coughing, wheezing, and labored breathing.
Clinical signs of heartworm disease are similar to those of feline asthma and include coughing, wheezing, and labored breathing.
Puppies may show signs of severe respiratory problems, rhinitis (inflammation of the lining of the nose), and labored or difficult breathing.
Signs of heartworm disease are listlessness and poor endurance, frequent coughing, labored breathing and loss of weight and condition.
Typical signs include: unsteadiness or staggering, forgetting commands or failure to recognize familiar people, unexplained aggressiveness or puppy - like behavior, development of obsessive behaviors, loss of bladder control, change in appetite, loss of hearing or sight, seizures, labored breathing, or whimpering or head shaking, loss of bladder control, change in appetite, loss of hearing or sight, seizures, labored breathing, or whimpering or head shaking.
Signs & symptoms in cats: coughing, loss of appetite, weight loss, fainting, buildup of fluid in the abdomen, labored breathing, rapid breathing, asthma - like signs, gagging, vomiting, difficulty walking, seizures, blinSigns & symptoms in cats: coughing, loss of appetite, weight loss, fainting, buildup of fluid in the abdomen, labored breathing, rapid breathing, asthma - like signs, gagging, vomiting, difficulty walking, seizures, blinsigns, gagging, vomiting, difficulty walking, seizures, blindness
The organ most frequently affected is the spleen, which can cause extreme blood loss, with the dog showing signs of shock such as sudden weakness, pale gums, and labored breathing.
White or blue gums, lethargy or unwillingness to move, uncontrollable urination or defecation, labored and noisy breathing, and shock are all signs of advanced stages of heat stroke.
Wheezing, labored breathing and coughing are common signs of asthma in cats.
Signs to look our for include labored or rapid breathing or coughing, loss of appetite, tires easily, seems weak / lethargic, or has trouble exercising.
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