Sentences with phrase «signs of readiness between»

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The Synoptic Jesus» focus on the urgency of human readiness to receive God's promised basileia on earth is a subject of much scholarly debate regarding the tension between the signs of its arrival — the blind see, the crippled walk, as proleptic manifestations of Jesus» mediation of God's rule here and now — and the promise of a fullness of that reign yet to be consummated.
According to experts, children show signs of readiness any time between 18 months and 4 years.
Between 18 months and two years most will begin to show a couple of the signs of readiness for potty training, such as hiding themselves away to do a poo.
Although most children show signs of readiness to begin potty training between 18 months and 3 years of age, there is no set time at which you should begin.
Did you know that most babies actually display signs of sleep readiness between 6 and 8 pm?
For most babies, this readiness falls between 8 and 12 months of age although sign language can be useful to fill in the gaps of communication through toddlerhood.
Department of Defense spokesperson Eric D. Badger, Maj, USAF, addressing concerns that the operation of the wind farm would negatively impact a particular radar installation in Virginia («ROTHR») put these questions to rest: «The Department of Defense (DoD) has concluded that the project, with site - specific stipulations defined in a written mitigation agreement between the developer and the DoD (the agreement, signed November 5, 2014, is available here:, is not expected to create an adverse impact on DoD's readiness and operations.
Eliminating the requirement for employers to obtain a permit before employing someone under the age of 16, and instead requiring employers to ensure a young person between the ages of 13 and 16 has a certificate verifying they have completed an approved work readiness course online and has a signed consent form from the young person's parent to the employer.
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