Sentences with phrase «silent epidemic»

I think the value of airing the experience is enormous and I think you, Layla, are bravely spotlighting a very strange and silent epidemic.
Parental alienation (PA) may well be considered a silent epidemic - one which causes significant abuse to both children and parents / family members.
Kathy's news blogs expand on her book «DO N'T TRY THIS AT HOME: The Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder — How I accidentally regressed myself back to infancy and healed it all.»
CLICK to BUY «Don't Try This Alone» Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder Forward: The Day Einstein Feared Chapter 1: Death and Taxes Chapter 2: No Tears for Dad Chapter 3: Thanksgiving in Cambodia
One expert calls it a «silent epidemic
Parental alienation (PA) may well be considered a silent epidemic — one which causes significant abuse to both children and parents / family members.
He hopes that by sharing this information, it will help promote awareness of and also make some difference in those lives affected by brain (head) injury, what is often termed «the «silent epidemic».
Drowsy driving is something of a silent epidemic.
Child sexual abuse is a silent epidemic.
Lead: The Silent Epidemic More than 20 years ago the United States banned the use of the metal lead in gasoline and household paint.
During this period, I witnessed firsthand (with the 18,000 dogs and cats under my company's care) the silent epidemic of pet obesity and the rapid rise of diabetes in dogs, and particularly in cats.
It is supposed to be 1951 or»52 at this point in the book, and it wasn't until 1958 that this sexually - transmitted disease (which is now a silent epidemic in the USA) was discovered to be a bacteria rather than a virus; it also was not until a couple of decades after that when women's magazines began to warn about this possibly asymptomatic STD.
August 31, 2016 National Public Radio «Mental Health in Schools: A Hidden Crisis Affecting Millions of Students» (See also the digital app, A Silent Epidemic.)
The teenagers in the study The Silent Epidemic told researchers that the main reason they dropped out of school was boredom with classes.
The silent epidemic: Perspectives of high school dropouts.
* Summarized from: Understanding Why Students Drop Out of High School, According to Their Own Reports and The Silent Epidemic: Perspectives of High School Dropouts
Teacher turnover in the United States is a silent epidemic — one that is eroding the core of our schools.
i. Lahaderne, «Attitudinal and Intellectual Correlates of Attention: A Study of Four Sixth - grade Classrooms,» Journal of Educational Psychology 59, no. 5 (October 1968), 320 — 324; E. Skinner et al., «What It Takes to Do Well in School and Whether I've Got It: A Process Model of Perceived Control and Children's Engagement and Achievement in School,» Journal of Educational Psychology 82, no. 1 (1990), 22 — 32; J. Finn and D. Rock, «Academic Success among Students at Risk for School Failure,» Journal of Applied Psychology 82, no. 2 (1997), 221 — 234; and J. Bridgeland et al., The Silent Epidemic: Perspectives of High School Dropouts (Washington, D.C.: Civic Enterprises, LLC, March 2006),
Mounting research on the causes and consequences of dropping out, coupled with more accurate reporting on the extent of the crisis, has led to increased public focus on what's been called the silent epidemic.
In «The Silent Epidemic,» 47 percent of dropouts said a major reason for leaving school was that their classes were not interesting.
The Silent Epidemic: Perspectives of High School Dropouts.
The Silent Epidemic: Perspectives of High School Dropouts (PDF).
Among researchers, magnesium deficiency is known as the silent epidemic of our times, and it is widely acknowledged that definitive testing for deficiency remains elusive.
Excess adrenal stimulation due to the outrageous stress that we subject ourselves to has become a silent epidemic.
It's time to expose a silent epidemic... Read More»
Low thyroid has been called a «silent epidemic».
But many natural health experts and holistic practitioners maintain that Candida infection is, in fact, a common condition — to the point that some have termed it a «silent epidemic
Fatigue and lethargy are two of the most common complaints doctors hear from their adult patients, both of which are symptoms of a silent epidemic condition known as Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS).
In my 2011 Wise Traditions article, «Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Silent Epidemic of Nutritional Imbalance,» I noted that, when investigators add different types of fat to an otherwise standard rodent chow, saturated fats are more likely to accumulate in the liver than polyunsaturated fats.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is truly a silent epidemic growing in lockstep with the meteoric rise of Metabolic Syndrome in Western society, a sinister set of symptoms intimately related to obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides and reduced HDL cholesterol.
Source: Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Silent Epidemic of Nutritional Imbalance by Chris Masterjohn
Collective Evolution B12 Deficiency: A Serious Silent Epidemic That's Affecting Us All Collective Evolution There are two common criticisms that vegetarians and vegans are accustomed to hearing on a regular basis from those who either disagree or refuse to accept their dietary choice.
The silent epidemic of sexual assault is the long term consequences of trauma and the ripple effect it has through the lives of survivors.
«This study makes a compelling case that sleep - wake disorders after TBI may represent a silent epidemic,» said Imbach.
Declaring poor sleep a silent epidemic, researchers present new findings on slumber's underrated importance and just how many of us are missing out.
He says, after the failure of HB 1651, clearly what was once a silent epidemic was becoming quite visible.
In Pennsylvania, few took notice to the silent epidemic before deaths from prescription drug abuse started making the front pages of newspapers across the state.
But in the past decade, the disease has seen an uptick in cases, leading to a «silent epidemic,» according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
«Concussion is a silent epidemic that is affecting millions of people,» said Mehmet Kurt, a former postdoctoral fellow in Camarillo's lab.
Diaper need is a silent epidemic in the United States.
There is a silent epidemic killing babies across the United States.
Skinny Liver: A Proven Program to Prevent and Reverse the New Silent Epidemic — Fatty Liver Disease
Labour MP Rachel Reeves, who co-chairs the commission, said: «Loneliness is a silent epidemic hidden inside every family and community in the UK and can affect any one of us and at any time.
Clinicians like MacFarlane, who see armies of the tired tramp through their offices, aren't shy to call sleep deprivation a silent epidemic.
«Lead poisoning is one of those silent epidemics,» says Dr. Jeffrey Griffiths, professor of public health at Tufts University in Boston, who has advised the EPA on water quality for some time.
From the research I've seen, Vitamin D deficiency could be one of the most dangerous silent epidemics of our time, yet much of the anti-sun propaganda continues.

Not exact matches

South African leader was initially silent on epidemic, but ultimately became influential voice
The shocking truth about parasites and your health, and how to recognize, treat and prevent this silent health epidemic.
This silent and little known epidemic is causing fatigue, weight - gain, and chronic illness in fast - paced America.
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