Sentences with phrase «similar attempts»

It is a well - known fact that children who are regularly abused often continue to make similar attempts to approach their abusive parents.
Numerous similar attempts to improve and direct stem cells for clinical use are ongoing.
California's radical new «Parent Trigger» law, whose first run was foiled by the Compton Unified School District, has inspired similar attempts in states like Texas and Florida, as well as a big - budget Hollywood film Won't Back Down (set to open this fall).
Historically, the union has struggled with similar attempts to focus members on teaching and learning issues, lighting plenty of «campfires» of its own that haven't always caught on.
The industry has been fighting against similar attempts by other states to mandate electronics recycling.
One thing working in Readfy's favor that other similar attempts did not have is timing.
Nevertheless, the GoI heralds this approach as participatory democracy in action, which reminds me of similar attempts at democratizing national, state, and local level education policymaking in the United States.
Because SUMOylation affects a variety of molecules, Bernstock believes his group's approach could inspire similar attempts to treat neurological conditions by targeting pathways with wide - ranging effects.
and similar attempts among the Jewish and Islamic communities and world bodies, have, through their interfaith work, created a new ethos for addressing issues when religious feelings are brought out in conflicting situations.
Similar attempts using everyday, adult speech had no such effect (Lloyd - Fox et al 2015).
The plan requires the support of the Republican - led State Senate, which has already shot down similar attempts by de Blasio, including a «millionaire's tax» that would have raised money for affordable housing programs.
But lawmakers have opposed similar attempts in the past saying that would tie the hands of a future Legislature, and that could be unconstitutional.
«Some INEC officials and security agents including police were involved in the attempt,» he said adding: «our agents were able to resist similar attempts in some areas.»
«It is not clear whether these or other similar attempts reached the stage of actual use in human athletes, but there seem to be few technical barriers standing in the way.»
«This is definitely promising,» says Karl Skriner, an immunologist at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, Germany, «but they still have to show that antibodies don't eventually build up against the hybrid molecule and make it ineffective,» which has hampered similar attempts.
The difference here compared to most similar attempts is that Strafe doesn't loosen that retro - grip at any point.
The other answer is Thomas Knutson's reply to a rather similar attempt by Pat Michaels:
2014 brought similar attempts to legalize a situation that has already been legalized in many states despite the federal ban.
So far Obama has lost every case in several different policy areas on similar attempts (most recently immigration).
Opponents of regulation will surely attempt to use the appropriations process and other legislative maneuvers to block the program, but numerous similar attempts since 2010 have failed.
I challenged George Monbiot for similar attempts to smear his critics on Twitter recently.
Despite their clinical importance, there have been few similar attempts to investigate paranoid delusions.
Theologians from mainline churches protest against what they see as undue praise for charismatics, and claim that their own churches have made similar attempts at integration for years.
Historically, the union has struggled with similar attempts to focus members on teaching and learning issues, lighting plenty of»
He cited figures from the BitShares projects, which had made similar attempts at decentralized governance, noting that The DAO could face decision - making issues at present should voting turnout be too low.
Even though Instagram stories skyrocketed the company's success, similar attempts in Facebook's main app and Messenger app did not see a high success ratio.
But Hammons» use of the evanescent has a far broader agenda than similar attempts by earlier artists such as Marcel Duchamp and Richard Tuttle who utilised materials to challenge elitist conceptions of what constitutes a work of art.
Similar attempts to smuggle contraband by drones have taken place at prisons in other U.S. states.
To try to keep only one religious symbol up is a similar attempt to declare that the Christian god is the only right one.
Karl Barth's Romans is a similar attempt.
Colorado HB 1080, pushed by the Anti-Defamation League after failing in a similar attempt last year, presents itself as an effort to bar discrimination.
In an intriguing theological move, Roberts groups together Karl Barth and Pope John Paul II due to their similar attempts to ground sexual difference in revelation.
If the Rangers attempted to send a message, the Devils had a firm reply — the club was not intimidated by the Atlantic Division champion's attempts to impose control on the series, just as they shrugged off similar attempts by the club to slug their way to victory during the regular season.
Gustav adjusted well, and a similar attempt in minute 24 was thwarted with some good 1v1 defense.
Democrats in the Senate attempted to force a vote on the matter last year but were stymied by parliamentary regulations; a similar attempt this year seems fated for the same end.
Yet similar attempts to engage actively with the views of the young people in whose name the government purported to be acting were notable by their absence.
Opponents will raise the example of Sweden, where a similar attempt drove transactions away.
It follows a similar attempt to measure the long - term cost and benefits of cutting corporation tax, which has fallen in four years from 28 % to 21 %.
A similar attempt last summer to link the rent laws, 421 - a and other housing issues in one package of bills collapsed after weeks of talks, sources said.
The third ad assails the governor's efforts to keep Mr. Golisano and his allies out of the primaries, reminding voters of a similar attempt to knock Senator John McCain out of New York's 2000 presidential primary.
Now, a similar attempt with to merge economic development agencies lies in tatters, following months of disputes over tax deals for developers, overshadowed by an increasingly frosty relationship between Miner and Mahoney.
Similar attempts are being made by companies such as Samsung and Netflix.
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