Sentences with phrase «similar causes»

First, other polls give similar cause for pause.
It may be uncomfortable to ponder, but elderly ladies and gentlemen worldwide die of very similar causes, notably cardiovascular disease.
This is because a leaky brain develops from similar causes, such as gluten sensitivity or infection.
There is some thought that it shares similar causes to acne in adolescent humans.
At least one objective distinguishing feature that has contributed to social disadvantage, such as race, ethnic origin, gender, disability, long - term residence in an environment isolated from the mainstream of American society, or other similar causes not common to individuals who are not socially disadvantaged;
Last year she set aside $ 31 million in Facebook stock for similar causes, and has signed The Giving Pledge, a commitment to give away more than half of her wealth during her lifetime.
recently filed cases with similar causes of action!
The Berkeley balcony collapse certainly involved falling objects, though the drafters of the policy likely contemplated waste from airplanes or similar causes of loss, there may indeed be coverage on the Berkeley Renters Insurance of residents for this loss as a loss caused by a falling object.
What's in a typical policy: Flood insurance covers direct physical losses by flood and losses resulting from flood - related erosion caused by heavy or prolonged rain, coastal storm surge, snow melt, blocked storm drainage systems, levee dam failure or other similar causes.
Three years later the tradition was exported to Europe, where women in Germany, Austria, Denmark, and Sweden protested for similar causes.
Selenium can also cure eczema and psoriasis, a red, flaky, itchy skin condition with similar causes to acne.
The rule will not apply where the employer is unable to provide work due to fire, lightning, power failure, storms or similar causes beyond the employer's control that result in the stopping of work.
The Berkeley balcony collapse certainly involved falling objects, though the drafters of the policy likely contemplated waste from airplanes or similar causes of loss, there may indeed be coverage on the Berkeley Renters Insurance of residents for this loss as a loss caused by a falling object.
Paul Krugman and others have blamed these financial crises on the Gold Standard, but, as explained in a well - researched article by Brian Domitrovic, the financial crises of the 1800s had similar causes to the financial crises of the 1900s and 2000s: monetary inflation and government meddling.
This brings the total of infant deaths attributable to an unsafe sleep environment to six for this month alone while a total of 8 deaths due to similar causes were recorded in 2013.
University of Southampton scientists have discovered a link between coronary heart disease and osteoporosis, suggesting both conditions could have similar causes.
Because of the loss of that first line, about 30 minutes later an adjacent line tripped due to a similar cause.
The unusual weather in the US and Canada last month also has a similar cause.
You'd have similar cause to complain that the monkeys in the film are racist, being voiced by black actors and depicted as lazy, thuggish layabouts.
They play off each other while still supporting a similar cause.
IBS in dogs has similar causes and symptoms in humans and that's why you can identify with your dog's discomfort if he's miserable and in pain because of irritable bowel syndrome which could result in chronic diarrhea... and even worse, you might not be able to figure out the cause of your dog's condition after a physical exam at your veterinarian's office.
Scratching and licking the skin generally have similar causes.
IBD may be referred to as Crohn's Disease or Colitis both of which have similar causes and symptoms.
Can we rule out similar causes?
Solheim, A., K. Berg, C.F. Forsberg, and P. Bryn, The Storegga Slide complex: repetitive large scale sliding with similar cause and development, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (1 - 2), 97 - 107, 2005.
Flood insurance covers direct physical losses by flood and losses resulting from flood - related erosion caused by heavy or prolonged rain, coastal storm surge, snow melt, blocked storm drainage systems, levee dam failure or other similar causes.
This includes losses resulting from water overflowing rivers or streams, heavy or prolonged rain, storm surge, snow melt, blocked storm drainage systems, broken dams or levees, or other similar causes.
What's in a typical policy: Flood insurance covers direct physical losses by flood and losses resulting from flood - related erosion caused by heavy or prolonged rain, coastal storm surge, snow melt, blocked storm drainage systems, levee dam failure or other similar causes.
While YouTube is at liberty to block YouTube - MP3 from accessing its servers if indeed they are violating its terms of service, this doesn't give the government or copyright holders any similar cause for complaint.
Substance use can sometimes lead to mental health concerns — and vice versa — and both substance use and mental health issues often have similar causes, such as experiencing trauma.
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