Sentences with phrase «similar controversy»

Based on the way the SCC has approached EU - themed cases recently, the Spanish court has taken a more subtle route to avoid similar controversies in the future.
There were similar controversies over the relatively high rates of suspensions and expulsions at charters in Chicago and Washington in recent years.
We've seen similar controversy with fast - fashion counterparts Zara and Forever21, of course, so the entrance of Aritzia into the ring isn't exactly a surprise.
This year, to avoid similar controversy, Mayor Stephanie Miner opened up the lost - baggage contract to competitive bidding.
We could be seeing similar controversies coming to Windows 8 soon, if it takes off.
Given Dr. Wayne's status as a CEO or a company that offers private student loan services, it would be an easy prediction to say that this appointment will generate similar controversy.
Sir Philip has made a number of recommendations to stop similar controversies happening in future.
The reclassification of cannabis has provoked similar controversy.
We are currently in the midst of a national problem where people are questioning our justice system,» Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, told the Albany audience, alluding to similar controversies like the one surrounding the death of black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. «And they're questioning whether the justice system really is fairness for all.
Just a few months prior, the casting of Scarlett Johansson as Major in Rupert Sanders» live - action Ghost in the Shell remake sparked similar controversy.
The dispute echoes similar controversies that have dogged campaigns to eliminate predators, from seagulls to snakes, that threaten native species in isolated ecosystems such as those on islands.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist faced similar controversy last year when they replaced Michael Ironside as the voice of Sam Fisher, and that game still kicked serious butt.
Amazon stirred up similar controversy with its own Amazon Echo Show.
The statement echoes Moskowitz's approach to similar controversies in the past: She defended Loeb's education argument, but took issue with his wording.
Similar controversies have risen over compensation for Uber and Lyft drivers and for drivers of Google buses, all contract workers.
A similar controversy over the pledge in regard to New Paltz's town planning board not so long ago played out in a far more civilized manner.
TinyBuild's and Team Shifty's, Mr. Shifty launched with similar controversy.
Robert Gober, not known for an ongoing commitment to racial issues, produced what he saw as a commentary on white guilt by juxtaposing a white sleeping man with a black hanged man in a 1989 lithograph — and generated a similar controversy to today's when black employees at the Hirshhorn Museum, where it was exhibited, protested.
Notably, the Supreme Court of Canada examined a similar controversy when the BC College of Teachers refused to allow TWU to assume full responsibility for its teacher education program, on the basis that the public interest was not served by its approving a teacher education program offered by a private institution that appeared to follow discriminatory practices.
Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and just about every company on the Internet — including Samsung's fellow Korean TV maker LG, which was embroiled in a similar controversy in the UK 15 months ago — take your data (with your permission) and sell it to advertisers, and some of them even do it by listening into you.
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