Sentences with phrase «similar cookies»

My mom makes similar cookies and they are sweet and crunch and perfect.
I used to make a very similar cookie with brown sugar and soy flour instead of the eggs.
I just made a very similar cookie today but I added cocoa to the batter!
I remember eating similar cookies at my grandma's house when I was a kid.
I make a couple of similar cookies, and love how simple they are to make.
We make similar cookies but with hazelnuts - they're my great - grandmother's!
I make a very similar cookie to these using oats, but the buckwheat flour sounds like it would be a great addition.
I made similar cookies last week, but used random packs of Halloween chocolates instead.
Also, I have very similar cookie cutter set, and while they take a lot of work to transfer between sheets they are so pretty:)
Though it may sound too good to be true, my mother can attest to how remarkably similar these cookies are to the «real thing.»
That sounds like a delicious tradition, and I'm sure there's a way to nix the gluten so that you can continue to enjoy similar cookie sandwiches without the health hazards!
These look amazing Jas I wonder if I can find similar cookies in Ireland to make these Amber Harrop recently posted... Saving Money for Christmas Meal Planning
I made similar cookies last week, but used random packs of Halloween chocolates instead.
:) I was just going to add that I make very similar cookies, except I add flax and peanut butter.
My Nanny actually makes a similar cookie and we call them Crescent Cookies because of their half moon -LSB-...]
I have to say the other day I had similar cookies (freshly baked) from Ikea n thought they were the best, I was totally wrong... these are by far the best n it most definitely can not get better then these!
The last time I made similar cookies (Almond Butter Cookies) I got lucky when I added in flour and they happened to work.
I made a similar cookie last year using Andes Mints, but this time I used the baking bits.
I often make similar cookies («Peanut Butter Blossoms», where I use peanut butter in the dough, and no sprinkles on the cookies), but don't chill prior to baking.
Hi, I have made similar cookies to these and when they are finished and cooled, I melt some dark chocolate in a double boiler and dip only half of the cookie in it, then set them on a rack to cool and harden.
Similar cookies are the Dutch speculaas or the German Spekulatius.
I made some similar cookies a couple weeks ago, but with big chunks of nuts.
A similar cookie is made in the surrounding countries, like Denmark and the Netherlands, but some of those versions have a longer bake time resulting in a crisp cookie.
Anyway, I made a similar cookie recipe for my mom when she was watching her gluten intake and I wanted to make the recipe again but couldn't find it.
I make a similar cookie by leaving out the cloves and allspice, but adding Golden Raisins..
Martha Stewart has a very similar cookie that she featured about 7 or 8 years ago.
I used to make a similar cookie that called for espresso powder.
I just made some similar cookies, using wet almond meal left over from straining almond milk.
I had seen some similar cookies on Pinterest a while ago, but thought it would be fun to see if I could adapt my favorite soft sugar cookie recipe to make a cinnamon version.
These look so hearty and delicious - I'm going to have to try them:) I make a similar cookie with matcha and ripe bananas.
I've made similar cookies, though not with coconut flour or avocado, and I can just imagine how good these must be!
If you are a peanut allergic Scout, reduce the sugar slightly (Sunbutter is already pretty sweet) and use Sunbutter (if that is a safe seed butter for you) and you can have a similar cookie to try.
I had similar cookies, but with pine nuts, at an Italian bakery in New Orleans this summer.
I loved these little cookies so much and I was so happy when my mom found someone who could make similar cookies and cake pops.
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