Sentences with phrase «similar crisis»

Sometimes crisis intervention can take place simply by the counselor reminding the person that he has experienced similar crises in the past, and that the way he resolved them then may still be applicable now.
Japan is the country most commonly associated with an ageing population, but many European countries face similar crises now and in the not - so - distant future.
«This latest test of world financial systems presents a window in which to address fundamental issues that, if tackled properly, will improve economic management, regulation and the fight against inflation, and help us prevent similar crises in the future,» he said.
Next came similar crises in North Dakota on Dec. 31 and in New Brunswick on Jan. 7 of this year, both of which required evacuations of nearby homes.
(10) Handling heavy stresses, losses, and handicaps constructively tends to give one instant rapport with other people confronting similar crises.
The Lottery takes a very similar crisis and threads together several characters — Dr. Lennon (Marley Shelton), the scientist who's made the breakthrough; Vanessa (Athena Karkanis), the White House Chief Of Staff; shadowy government figure Darius Hayes (Martin Donovan); and Kyle (Michael Gaziadei), father of one of the last children ever born — in the hopes of turning in a vaguely thinky dystopian thriller.
Early Christian preachers had a similar crisis.
we see a similar crisis facing a primitive community, resolved in interestingly different ways.
This same minister had probably experienced a similar crisis early in his career, but it came at a time of life that receives much less public attention.
We must ask whether, in the early years of... [the 20th] century, there was any similar crisis of faith and intellect in the life of the non-Catholic Christian communities.
Because of what he witnessed after his sister's death, Dreher realized he had no roots where he lived» no one to care for him and his family should they ever face a similar crisis» and something his mother said, after Ruthie's diagnosis, kept resonating:
Today, we face a similar crisis, and the Church must rise to the opportunity.
In addition, Canadian officials were facing a similar crisis with a depletion of fish stocks in the country's waters, causing them to limit harvests, as well.
The reality is that we beat a very poor Milan side who are just coming out of a similar crisis as we are currently experiencing.
A similar crisis in 2015 highlighted a lack of appropriate contingency plans.
As Lake Ontario's waters slowly recede and communities recover from months of flooding, the conversation will inevitably shift toward preventing a similar crisis in the coming years.
Buttressing his claim, the Minister cited instances in Zamfara and Kebbi States, where there had been similar crisis, noting that those involved in the crisis were all Muslims.
And while the adult care crisis has made headlines - largely because of its knock - on impact on the NHS - the new funding will not address the similar crisis in children's services, which has gone largely unreported.
If, heaven forbid, one or both of the tracks were out on the Main Line, there'd be a similar crisis.
Labour is facing a similar crisis to other European social democratic parties, as de-industrialisation, mass migration and neoliberal economics have undercut their working - class base and fuelled polarisation across the continent.
But wheat, rice and oil prices have not matched their 2008 highs, so that will help to stave off a similar crisis, says Torero.
AS GOVERNMENTS struggle to prevent the global financial crisis turning into a deep worldwide recession, attention is also turning to the longer - term problem: how to avoid a similar crisis happening again.
If you ever have a similar crisis of confidence, just know you can fight through it!
Faced with a similar crisis in recent years, U.S. auto makers cut 20 % of annual production, and in 2012 are expecting their best sales results since 2007.
Every media outlet in the world is facing a similar crisis today.
A similar crisis unfolded in Papua New Guinea's Manus Island.
It is not impossible that the US could face a similar crisis in its future.
As the state of California battled some of the worst fires in the state's history, Europe's western coast faced a similar crisis on Sunday.Related:... Read More
Similar crises have beset state arts agencies in South Carolina, Arizona, Washington and elsewhere.
With current climate change projections, governments need better planning for the likelihood of similar crises.
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