Sentences with phrase «similar distinction»

The phrase "similar distinction" means having a similar special quality or characteristic that sets someone or something apart from others. Full definition
(I am somewhat relying on similar distinctions to yours about Blair / Cameron above) It is the third candidate, Anthony Gray, who runs on an education, education, education and opportunity ticket, while Carcetti goes for a harder crime and broken society agenda, and he runs on a very vague «change» and new politics ticket.
Vermont is the only other state to hold a similar distinction of never sending a female to Congress — but the state had a female governor from 1985 to 1991.
In Being and Nothingness, Sartre makes a similar distinction when he differentiates between the cogito as such (pour - soi as thetic consciousness of the world) and the prereflective cogito (pour - soi as nonthetic self - consciousness).1
A similar distinction obtains in Quincy Howe, Reincarnation for the Christian (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1974), 58.
I propose that there is a similar distinction in Whitehead.
James is fond of destinguishing between «political libertarians» and «cultural libertarians», and the more that I read the ongoing kerfuffle over localism that has spread from PoMoCon and FPR to First Thoughts and Daniel McCarthy, the more I think a similar distinction....
Hartshorne usually makes a similar distinction in the nature of God with such terms as «absolute - relative» or «necessary - contingent.»
Whitehead hits upon a similar distinction when he contrasts «transitions» with the intrinsic process of the concrescence (PR 210/320).
Although this distinction, to the best of my knowledge, does not appear as such in the writings of St. Thomas, it is suggested by a similar distinction in the Summa Theologica, III, 62, 1 and 4.
On embryo research we see a similar distinction between use and misuse of medical advances.
There be a similar distinction between Kevin and Alexander, the most.
The dust - up reflected a similar distinction between Vergne's high - profile exhibitions for two white male artists and Molesworth's for an African American male artist and a Latin American female artist.
I do believe Alice wrote a piece on TWU which made a similar distinction).
Although the courts often talk of «expert evidence» as if it were a single category representing in every case an exception to the rule against the reception of opinion evidence, it is suggested that a similar distinction exists in the evidence of experts and it is one which has considerable relevance both to the procedural aspects and to the assessment of the weight of expert evidence.
McLeod and Mamo (Matrimonial Property Law in Canada, I - 6, «Special Property Rules», p. 33) make a similar distinction speaking of the need to distinguish remedy (e.g., constructive trust) from the right to relief (unjust enrichment).»
Not surprisingly, a similar distinction applies to your executive resume.
A successive career background in the field or of similar distinction to the next job being sought after.
A longer timeframe reveals a similar distinction.
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