Sentences with phrase «similar house types»

It's extremely important to compare your property to similar house types.

Not exact matches

As has been discussed many times in similar debates, for every type of housing fewer houses have been built in the last decade, which I know is as deeply troubling to many Labour Members as it is to us in the Conservative party.
The court found that working class residents shared a common language, lived in similar types of housing, used the same subway lines and health clinics, and got their news from Chinese - language media.
Greater running distance in the 2 - to 3 - month - old mice may partially explain these data, but the solo - housed wild - type mice used to test solo - versus group - housing (Fig. 5) ran similar distances as the young mice, yet did not show any increase in brain progranulin levels.
These are similar types of houses that have solid in the same area recently.
Similar to other types of federal loans, Perkins Loans can be used to cover education - related expenses such as tuition, textbooks, and housing costs.
Obviously in a very small company or private sale this becomes much harder / impossible as it can't be floated in any meaningful way, but versions of this wisdom of crowd type effect can be done by approaching a few outside parties and asking them what they would pay / how they would value it (similar to asking a few estate agents for valuations of a house before a private sale) to at least get some benchmark estimates of what similar private players might pay.
There are some types of home insurance, such as house insurance, condo insurance, and homeowners insurance, that are quite similar; that is until flooding becomes an issue.
Through the way she researches how at the end of the mortgage she is going to rent that house out and move into possibly into a similar type home, use the rent from the previous home and now all her extra monies available from debt reduction and now blast down that mortgage, then rinse and repeat if that would be her desire.
There are some types of home insurance, such as house insurance, condo insurance, and homeowners insurance, that are quite similar; that is until flooding becomes an issue.
Also, we used objective approaches to quantify neighbourhood attributes that allowed us to partially control for potential reverse causality due to depressed individuals tending to exhibit negative cognitive bias resulting in negative thoughts and perceptions.65 Residential self - selection bias is likely to be a trivial source of reverse causality in this study because Hong Kong's high levels of population density (6760 people / km2) and low percentage of developed land (less than 25 %) 66 limit most residents» choice of accommodation and 37 % of Hong Kong older adults live in public rental housing.67 Given the satisfactory response rate and the level of similarity in depressive symptoms and sociodemographic characteristics of participants recruited from two types of recruitment centres, the findings from this study are likely to be generalisable to the population of Chinese Hong Kong older adults matching the study eligibility criteria and other populations of older adults living in similar ultra-dense metropolises of Southeast Asia.
Although a house and a car are different types of purchases on the surface, the premise for selection is similar.
COMMUNITY - will the community support this type of housing (talk to other developers, visit projects of similar nature prefurably in the same area and price bracket).
Locate properties that are similar in design, house type, square footage, bed to bathroom ratio, etc., the most important being location, time sold, house type, and square footage.
«One possible explanation for the differences among geography types is that urban skilled nursing properties may face higher competition for private payor market share, in part because of a greater supply of similar products such as home care and other types of seniors housing,» said Kauffman.
The raw (unsmoothed) Toronto index * has declined a similar 7.9 % over that period, though its condo segment is unchanged from July — all other types of housing taken together are down 10.4 %.
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