Sentences with phrase «similar human adenovirus»

The work skirts a problem that has cropped up in experimental vaccines made from a similar human adenovirus — they don't work if you've already been exposed to the natural virus.

Not exact matches

The significant overall sequence divergence of TMAdV from known human and simian adenoviruses is highlighted by the finding that PAdV - A (porcine adenovirus A), a non - primate mammalian adenovirus, shared only a slightly less similar whole - genome pairwise identity to TMAdV of 47.0 % (Fig. 4).
The closest human adenoviral relatives were the species D adenoviruses, which share 54.3 % to 55.1 % identity to TMAdV, with human adenoviruses of other species slightly less similar (51.1 % — 54.6 %).
After removal of similar viral genomes, bootscan plots of the whole genome and individual genes from a subset representing human / simian adenoviruses in species A — G and all non-primate vertebrate adenoviruses were generated.
Synthesis of human adenovirus early RNA species is similar in productive and abortive infections of monkey and human cells
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